I would blog this, but since I've called Halo 3 mediocre before, I thought it was important enough to put in System Wars.
So I'm what? 8 or 9 months late to the party? Not really, I actually bought Halo 3 when it came out in Septermber, but traded it into Gamestop shortly after because the game bored me. I was dissapointed with it... maybe it was the Game Fuel, or the multi-million dollar campaign, or the endless threads on System Wars telling me that Halo 3 would be the best game I've ever played. I dont know, but the game didnt deliver, so I traded it in while it was still worth some money.
Well, recently I decided to give the game another shot. Now that the hype has gone away, my taste for FPS's has seasoned, and that we're kind of in the middle of a game drought, I decided to finish the fight.
All I have to say is that I was wrong about Halo 3. It's not mediocre. The game is actually really good, and I appreciate the Halo franchise much more now. The color of the game, the music, the gameplay, it's all pretty solid. Heck, now that I hear about a "darker, grittier and Cheifless" Halo 4 I worry the game might lose what's made it so special and become just another FPS. I am probably wrong, but I really like what Halo 3 is all about.
With all that said, I dont see how the game broke entertainment first day records or whatever... but I do see how it is one of the best games of this gen.
Anyway, just thought System Wars could use another Halo 3 lover and one less hater. I was never really a hater though... just unimpressed. I was wrong. So there you have it. I finally Believe.
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