as stated Killzone 2 had bad boss fights, the weapon balance was basically non existent as so many weapons especially like the electric gun were only in the game for a quick second. The ending in R2 was also better and the weapons altogether.Luigi_The_Pimp
and R2 had good boss fights? like resistance 2's singleplayer, they were predictable. and the last boss in R2 was a joke, i mean i cannot believe how easy it was...run this way, shoot glowy thing, run other way, shoot glowy thing again...at least radec was challenging...
R2 did have better weapons, which made the multiplayer more enjoyable, but killzone's multiplayer doesn't really lack in weapon variety either, it doesnt need a gun like the splicer or the auger. there's a decent amount of variety in the weapons in KZ's mulitplayer, they just are more realistic as opposed to resistance's over the top weapons
R2's multiplayer actually made up for its bad single player
KZ2 had a good single player, nothing legendary, but it also had a good multiplayer...it's a much more complete package. that's just my opinion though, i'd thought i'd share because i have a helluva alot of playtime on both games...
yes Radec was good and the other 3 boss fights were horrible. Shoot gun , he turns around for some apparent reason, then shoot his back gas tanks. Repeat three times and you win R2 was just a lot more epic. And the MP is KZ2 is nothing more and find "insert room" and spam the hell out of it with gernades . the balance is crap because 90% you're playing against people with special abilities and weapons you wont have for 5 levels . I dont think I'll even get the Gold Trophy for getting general unless I force myself to continually play the bad MPif you dont want grenade spam, play in bigger maps, play with less people, its not like you dont have options
as for reaching general, that only took me a couple days (then again, i have gotten top 1% so im pretty good at the game :P )but im not saying R2 was bad, its probably something i'll eventually go back too at sometime because it had so much variety, i just dont find it on the same level as KZ2, although they are both vastly different FPS's
i get it, you like R2 better, i like KZ2 better, but as i R2 junkie before i got KZ, i'd think a fan of the game would like KZ2 as well, i mean i wasnt even hyping the game but i picked it up anyway and loved it
oh well, opinions
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