[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]OK so I'm a Wii fan myself but. WHAT?! 360 still has GeOW 2, there are others but that one will easily shift more than a million, and how do you know Speed Racer and Iron Man are superior they aren't even out. You didn't even list the good Wii games coming out either, like Boom Blox, Disaster Day of Crisis and Deadly Creatures.ryuisill81
Iron Man and Speed Racer will be better on the Wii , because of the colors the Wii can display. See Nights and Super Mario Galaxy. Those games are rainbow like in colors and Iron Man and Speed Racer would benifit from lots of colors. Also Iron Man and Speed Racer are house-hold names. The Wii is also a house-hold name seeing that it has the bigger install base. With the Wiimote you can fly around as Iron Man and it probably will feel life-like, like you are truly flying. Speed Racer will also benefit from the Wiimote with the driving aspects of the gaming feeling so real. The Wii is truly the console for all. GeoW2 doesn't even stand a chance.
Hey, I bet Ninja Gaiden 2 would sell much more copies if it were a Wii exclusive. You would have the option of swinging your Wiimote to kill your enemies and that's great, really really great. Plus, NG2 doesn't look that much more than what the XboX Ninja Gaiden was. The NG2 graphics on the 360 look a little more than the XboX Ninja Gaidens, but not by much and we all know that the Wii is stronger than the original XboX. So, with that said Team Ninja would have had no problems developing NG2 on the Wii instead. Infact I wouldn't be surprised to either see NG2 ported to the Wii with little to no downgrades or Ninja Gaiden 3 developed for the Wii.
i think it's nice .
Did you seriously just post that?
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