After watching the Mario Kart 7 review Nintendo needs to..........

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#101 YoshiYogurt
Member since 2010 • 6008 Posts
Your ignorance is simply astounding. Try and name some games that are better than Mario or Zelda. I said try because you just can't.
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#102 bonesawisready5
Member since 2011 • 4971 Posts


[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] OK I AM GOING TO GOOOOOOOOOO VERYYYYYY SLOOOWWWWWWWWW. I SAIDDDDDD :"THESE ARE THE REASONS I DID NOT LIKE MARIO KARRTTTT 777 OKKKKKKKKKKK?????????? GOOOODDDDDDDDD NOWWWW THHEENNN I SAID TEH LIST OF REASONS ALSO APPLIES TO EVRYYYYYYY ODERRRRR MARIO KARTTTTT GAMEEEEEEEEEEE. OKKK? BUTTT ONLLLYYY INNNN SOMMEEE CASES IT'SSSS WORSE (Like in mario kart 7 barely any more tracks, barely ny more characters, still terrible balance and kart control, bad track design, some stuff riped off ofBattle and Chase, yada yda, in older mario games there have consistently been less tracks, characters, modes, even wors control and track design, no engagin SP, all these problems have barely improved through each installment of mario kart, including more things and each mario kart installment covers this with a gimmick. but like assasins creed brotherhood, adding content to a broken game does not make the game not broken.) NOWWWW THAAATTTT SHOOUULLDDD BEEE UNDAR STANDABLEEEE. Unless you are asking a completely different question. You might want to reword it then because what I am getting is "Why did you not like the previous installments." which I believe I have answered already. Oh and yes, i played 7 for about and hour exploring the modes (Slash online) and there are some things that anoy me but I'll list those when the game releases fully so there aren;t any spoiler. Although since it's a "Press start play" game there's not much to spoil but still.Aquaunitpatrol

You didn't need to continue to insult me, the very end of this post is the very first time (unless I'm mistaken) that you actually said you played it somewhere.

I'm sorry you felt it nessecary to go to such great lengths to be offensive in my direction, I provoked apparently and I'm sorry.

Now, I don't know how you could've notice the lack of many new tracks (16 new, 16 old remade) and bad track design, unless you played all 32 tracks within an hour (I guess that may be possible)

I also don't remeber where you said the things you didn't like about Mario Kart 7 applied to older installments, if I missed that again, sorry.

I did not play the rehashed tracks because, well, they are REhASHED tracks. Your apology is accpted I though I had that clearly visible. the last part.

So, you actually played all 16 tracks in an hour? Were they unlocked right away? I wish I had gotten some time to play it.

You should give the older tracks a try when you get your copy sunday, as from what reviewers are saying they are changed quite heavily.

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#103 Rahnyc4
Member since 2005 • 6660 Posts
[QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]lol@people using crash team racing as a argument. you mean the game that didnt have any original ideas of its own, so it basically copied and emulated both mario kart 64 and diddy kong racing... yeahhhhhh Aquaunitpatrol
Huh> You meand the game that killed Mario kart making idea it didn;t even make and made it better, added it's own stuff, and barely ripped of diddy kong. not to mention diddy kong was broken. It was the most complete kart racing game. Even Speed punks beat Mario Kart on all fronts and that game had terrible MP compared to CTR.

the game that killed mario kart? where.. you mean the series mario kart killed? that game had no original ideas. i played CTR through and through and completed it also. i can safely say its a rip off of both mario kart and diddy kong racing. i can also say diddy kong racing is a better game. mario kart is the best kart racing game for a reason, you know... its actually a fun series with actual likable characters, unlike that bandicoot fella.
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#104 ohthemanatee
Member since 2010 • 8104 Posts

Your ignorance is simply astounding. Try and name some games that are better than Mario or Zelda. I said try because you just can't.YoshiYogurt

Baldur's Gate 2, Stacraft, Civilization, Master of Orion 2, Gothic 2

just my personal picks

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#105 Joedgabe
Member since 2006 • 5134 Posts

Nintendo Needs to make another Diddy kong Racing game Period... :|

Diddy Kong Racing > Mario Kart Nintendo is just stuck up to their asses with mario and can't stand the fact a lower section of their own club did a better job than them at a racing game.

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#106 YoshiYogurt
Member since 2010 • 6008 Posts

[QUOTE="YoshiYogurt"]Your ignorance is simply astounding. Try and name some games that are better than Mario or Zelda. I said try because you just can't.ohthemanatee

Baldur's Gate 2, Stacraft, Civilization, Master of Orion 2, Gothic 2

just my personal picks

Those are/were very good games, but in my opinion don't match up to Mario and Zelda. I don't even think TC would have the intelligence or attention span needed to play those.
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#107 Aquaunitpatrol
Member since 2011 • 515 Posts
[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]lol@people using crash team racing as a argument. you mean the game that didnt have any original ideas of its own, so it basically copied and emulated both mario kart 64 and diddy kong racing... yeahhhhhh Rahnyc4
Huh> You meand the game that killed Mario kart making idea it didn;t even make and made it better, added it's own stuff, and barely ripped of diddy kong. not to mention diddy kong was broken. It was the most complete kart racing game. Even Speed punks beat Mario Kart on all fronts and that game had terrible MP compared to CTR.

the game that killed mario kart? where.. you mean the series mario kart killed? that game had no original ideas. i played CTR through and through and completed it also. i can safely say its a rip off of both mario kart and diddy kong racing. i can also say diddy kong racing is a better game. mario kart is the best kart racing game for a reason, you know... its actually a fun series with actual likable characters, unlike that bandicoot fella.

It killed it critically. Also in later series Mk and even other racing games took things from the series (Such as boos battles. that are well executed.) there's is not one thin MK did that CTR didn;t and there are manything CTR did MK didn't. mario kart already had an established name. Hell, i'll be hnest, NITRO KART was better than Mario karts that came out around the same time (Nitro kart gba beat every kart racer on the GBA.) Name thing Crash ripped off from then name thing MK did that CTR didn;t then realize the fail. Also Diddy knog racing was a broken mess and not many people even knew the game existed. Also, CTR barely ripped anything from the game, what it did rip ws changed and made better. Like I said even Speed Punks. terrible MP compared to CTR but still beat MK' broken MP. That's including the AI.
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#108 burgeg
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lol@people using crash team racing as a argument. you mean the game that didnt have any original ideas of its own, so it basically copied and emulated both mario kart 64 and diddy kong racing... yeahhhhhh Rahnyc4
So just because a game doesn't innovate it can't be the best game of its genre? Nobody would ever argue CTR was bursting with originality. But it perfected the formula Nintendo created. It isn't the most original kart racer ever, but to this day it's still the best by absolutely miles. A perfected knock-off is better than a flawed original. And with the way Nintendo are going with the MK series, that isn't going to change anytime soon. However there's another kart racing franchise that I do think has a legitimate chance of topping the quality of CTR. Modnation Racers. We'll see how the new Vita game is handled, but the first game on PS3 was an excellent start for the franchise and in time I believe it's more than capable of topping CTR and then some.

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#109 Aquaunitpatrol
Member since 2011 • 515 Posts

[QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]lol@people using crash team racing as a argument. you mean the game that didnt have any original ideas of its own, so it basically copied and emulated both mario kart 64 and diddy kong racing... yeahhhhhh burgeg

So just because a game doesn't innovate it can't be the best game of its genre? Nobody would ever argue CTR was bursting with originality. But it perfected the formula Nintendo created. It isn't the most original kart racer ever, but to this day it's still the best by absolutely miles. A perfected knock-off is better than a flawed original. And with the way Nintendo are going with the MK series, that isn't going to change anytime soon. However there's another kart racing franchise that I do think has a legitimate chance of topping the quality of CTR. Modnation Racers. We'll see how the new Vita game is handled, but the first game on PS3 was an excellent start for the franchise and in time I believe it's more than capable of topping CTR and then some.

It's going to need an improved console release to beat CTR unless the handheld version is magic. Plus Modnations racers needs to work on kart control. But once that's done it can be in the ranks of CTR and SP.
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#110 DarkGamer007
Member since 2008 • 6033 Posts

[QUOTE="silversix_"]Sheep enjoy playing their three franchises, leave them alone.nintendoboy16

Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Smash Bros = THREE franchises? :?

*Cough* Metroid *Cough* Star Fox *Cough* Pikmin *Cough*

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#111 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts
It's a conservative title. Why? Because they needed it our for Xmas, for 3DS sales, and don't want to compromise sales from an audience that will buy Mario Kart games - a core one.
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#112 Big_Pecks
Member since 2010 • 5973 Posts

Goodness, I don't think the TC even knows what the Mario Kart series is. Just post the Nintendo hate.

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#113 kingjazziephiz
Member since 2006 • 2650 Posts
Well i know i'm going to enjoy MK7 anyway...
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#114 ionusX
Member since 2009 • 25778 Posts

[QUOTE="silversix_"]Sheep enjoy playing their three franchises, leave them alone.AcidSoldner
Damn. Hit 'em where it hurts. :lol:


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#115 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

Oh look. Nintendo haters trash talking about games they haven't played. Suprise suprise.
It's funny how they talk about rehashing, when they make they same argument (that has been shot down countless times) over and over again.
Atleast get something new to say.

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#116 WarTornRuston
Member since 2011 • 2712 Posts

Just remember sheep. You all never have the right to talk about another company milking a franchise so bad that the teets start leaking powder. Nintendo has mastered the art of doing the same thing over and over again and calling it different......and you guys play along like 3 well blind mice.

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#117 Chemical_Viking
Member since 2010 • 2145 Posts

Just remember sheep. You all never have the right to talk about another company milking a franchise so bad that the teets start leaking powder. Nintendo has mastered the art of doing the same thing over and over again and calling it different......and you guys play along like 3 well blind mice.



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#118 ionusX
Member since 2009 • 25778 Posts

Just remember sheep. You all never have the right to talk about another company milking a franchise so bad that the teets start leaking powder. Nintendo has mastered the art of doing the same thing over and over again and calling it different......and you guys play along like 3 well blind mice.


dont watse your breath in system wars do it somewhere far mroe violent like GGD

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#119 princemarth23
Member since 2005 • 9229 Posts

Nintendo Needs to make another Diddy kong Racing game Period... :|

Diddy Kong Racing > Mario Kart Nintendo is just stuck up to their asses with mario and can't stand the fact a lower section of their own club did a better job than them at a racing game.


Yeah I always liked DKR better than MK64. It's such a shame it never got a proper sequel.

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#120 burgeg
Member since 2005 • 3599 Posts


[QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]lol@people using crash team racing as a argument. you mean the game that didnt have any original ideas of its own, so it basically copied and emulated both mario kart 64 and diddy kong racing... yeahhhhhh Aquaunitpatrol

So just because a game doesn't innovate it can't be the best game of its genre? Nobody would ever argue CTR was bursting with originality. But it perfected the formula Nintendo created. It isn't the most original kart racer ever, but to this day it's still the best by absolutely miles. A perfected knock-off is better than a flawed original. And with the way Nintendo are going with the MK series, that isn't going to change anytime soon. However there's another kart racing franchise that I do think has a legitimate chance of topping the quality of CTR. Modnation Racers. We'll see how the new Vita game is handled, but the first game on PS3 was an excellent start for the franchise and in time I believe it's more than capable of topping CTR and then some.

It's going to need an improved console release to beat CTR unless the handheld version is magic. Plus Modnations racers needs to work on kart control. But once that's done it can be in the ranks of CTR and SP.

I do agree about the kart control. It does need some improvement, though for now I'd say it controls pretty well. As for it needing an improved console release, I really don't see why the Vita game can't be better than the first console game in every single way. It should play pretty much the same but with improvements. The touch screen alone makes the track creator more intuitive than the console game. It should have more creation options than the original and it's going to have all the items of the original plus more. Basically there's no reason Modnation Racers Vita shouldn't be better than the PS3 game in every single way.

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#121 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

Just remember sheep. You all never have the right to talk about another company milking a franchise so bad that the teets start leaking powder. Nintendo has mastered the art of doing the same thing over and over again and calling it different......and you guys play along like 3 well blind mice.

Give me some evidence please...
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#122 BibiMaghoo
Member since 2009 • 4018 Posts
Anyone remember diddy kong racing..... That was great :)
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#123 Aquaunitpatrol
Member since 2011 • 515 Posts

[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="burgeg"]So just because a game doesn't innovate it can't be the best game of its genre? Nobody would ever argue CTR was bursting with originality. But it perfected the formula Nintendo created. It isn't the most original kart racer ever, but to this day it's still the best by absolutely miles. A perfected knock-off is better than a flawed original. And with the way Nintendo are going with the MK series, that isn't going to change anytime soon. However there's another kart racing franchise that I do think has a legitimate chance of topping the quality of CTR. Modnation Racers. We'll see how the new Vita game is handled, but the first game on PS3 was an excellent start for the franchise and in time I believe it's more than capable of topping CTR and then some.


It's going to need an improved console release to beat CTR unless the handheld version is magic. Plus Modnations racers needs to work on kart control. But once that's done it can be in the ranks of CTR and SP.

I do agree about the kart control. It does need some improvement, though for now I'd say it controls pretty well. As for it needing an improved console release, I really don't see why the Vita game can't be better than the first console game in every single way. It should play pretty much the same but with improvements. The touch screen alone makes the track creator more intuitive than the console game. It should have more creation options than the original and it's going to have all the items of the original plus more. Basically there's no reason Modnation Racers Vita shouldn't be better than the PS3 game in every single way.

creation options? features Stop, while the game is more ontrack and less broken thenMario Kart as a quality kart racer it's still not there and using featured does not stop the game from being broken. They can do all this custom stuff but they need goo control and stage design. once that;s done they will be close to having a quality gaming product. Look at megaman battle and chase, nice diversity in character and carts and customization but with some of the worse level design and cart control, hell Ai and object placement were abysmal to. Surely you don't want modnation racers to go in the same direction.
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#124 Aquaunitpatrol
Member since 2011 • 515 Posts
[QUOTE="BibiMaghoo"]Anyone remember diddy kong racing..... That was great :)

it was also broken. not as broken as Mk but broken.
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#125 Joedgabe
Member since 2006 • 5134 Posts

Anyone remember diddy kong racing..... That was great :) BibiMaghoo

I just said that earlier omg.. it must be destiny...... Diddy Kong Racing FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!! they should make a sequel.... like.. take a break from mario kart...... the Damn Rooster was the bomb! ( the clock was just beast )

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#126 35cent
Member since 2008 • 934 Posts

I hated Diddy Kong Racing. Not a fan of Mario Kart either anymore. CTR will always be the king in my eyes.

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#127 burgeg
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[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] It's going to need an improved console release to beat CTR unless the handheld version is magic. Plus Modnations racers needs to work on kart control. But once that's done it can be in the ranks of CTR and SP.Aquaunitpatrol

I do agree about the kart control. It does need some improvement, though for now I'd say it controls pretty well. As for it needing an improved console release, I really don't see why the Vita game can't be better than the first console game in every single way. It should play pretty much the same but with improvements. The touch screen alone makes the track creator more intuitive than the console game. It should have more creation options than the original and it's going to have all the items of the original plus more. Basically there's no reason Modnation Racers Vita shouldn't be better than the PS3 game in every single way.

creation options? features Stop, while the game is more ontrack and less broken thenMario Kart as a quality kart racer it's still not there and using featured does not stop the game from being broken. They can do all this custom stuff but they need goo control and stage design. once that;s done they will be close to having a quality gaming product. Look at megaman battle and chase, nice diversity in character and carts and customization but with some of the worse level design and cart control, hell Ai and object placement were abysmal to. Surely you don't want modnation racers to go in the same direction.

How is Modnation Racers broken? Becuase it doesn't play exactly the same as CTR? It plays very well. The controls work great, the item system works, the boost/shield mechanic is fantastic and the creation options give it plenty of longevity. The track designs themselves are only limited by the track creator itself, which is pretty robust. The series has plenty of potential for great track design, by both the developers and players alike. There's certainly improvements to be made to the gameplay, but to call it broken or anything less than great kart racing gameplay is a flat out lie.

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#128 trollop_scat
Member since 2006 • 2656 Posts

I agree with everything TC said. The only people who would even pretend to disagree and the kids with Link avatars...

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#129 MLBknights58
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Obvious troll is obvious.


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#130 deactivated-5ef52b89b6fd0
Member since 2009 • 4928 Posts
[QUOTE="Ravensmash"]Erm, Tom specifically said that there were enough changes to the established formula. What the hell is this new belief in System Wars that games shouldnt be reviewed if they're similar, and only if Mario Kart turns in to a dating sim :/

So now sheep are banking on tom, after they have bashed him for the last 2 weeks over the zelda review. LOL at the logic
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#131 bbkkristian
Member since 2008 • 14971 Posts
If you think Skyward Sword is the same as other Zelda's then you are wrong. Different world, different quest, and different controls. Isn't that what every other sequel is?
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#132 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

If you think Skyward Sword is the same as other Zelda's then you are wrong. Different world, different quest, and different controls. Isn't that what every other sequel is?bbkkristian

In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No.

Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3.

Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3.

Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P

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#133 YoshiYogurt
Member since 2010 • 6008 Posts

I agree with everything TC said. The only people who would even pretend to disagree and the kids with Link avatars...

Please do enlighten me. Nintendo games always feel like they have worthwhile changes and great new content to me.
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#134 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts


I agree with everything TC said. The only people who would even pretend to disagree and the kids with Link avatars...


Please do enlighten me. Nintendo games always feel like they have worthwhile changes and great new content to me.

The reason is because he's a kid who thinks Zombies are cool. *See avatar* ...He may also like turtles.

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#135 bbkkristian
Member since 2008 • 14971 Posts

[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]If you think Skyward Sword is the same as other Zelda's then you are wrong. Different world, different quest, and different controls. Isn't that what every other sequel is?D4W1L4H

In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P

All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

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#136 AtariKidX
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[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]If you think Skyward Sword is the same as other Zelda's then you are wrong. Different world, different quest, and different controls. Isn't that what every other sequel is?bbkkristian

In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P

All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

All Nintendo games are rehashed......

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#137 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts


[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]If you think Skyward Sword is the same as other Zelda's then you are wrong. Different world, different quest, and different controls. Isn't that what every other sequel is?bbkkristian

In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P

All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

Yep. The character is all that matters. If we see the same Character, even with completely different game mechanics, story, controls, world etc (i.e every Nintendo sequel) it's a rehash. .... (i.e every Nintendo sequel) :P

*Sarcastic tone*

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#138 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts


[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"] In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P


All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

All Nintendo games are rehashed......

Ah... The Infamous AtariKidX. I've seen your comments kept in a few sigs. So... Rare developed Metroid prime?

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#139 Barsy7
Member since 2010 • 242 Posts


[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"] In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P


All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

All Nintendo games are rehashed......

Certain users on this board will ignore this truth.

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#140 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts



Good stuff, yo.

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#141 lx_theo
Member since 2010 • 6211 Posts





I'm sure you know what they are. One start with an M, second start with an M and third with a Z.

1. Legend of Zelda starts with the letter L. Like, elle.

2. Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Kirby, Yoshi's Island, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Pilotwings, Star Fox, Punch Out, Excite Bike, Xenoblade, Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Ice Climbers, Battalion Wars, Dr. Mario, Picross, Planet Puzzle League, Art S(tyle) Series, Wario Land, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven, and so, so many more.

I like a lot of Nintendo IPs. So, I agree. Leave me alone to enjoy these games that I enjoy.

WHile there are a few good ones in there, you just listed off a ton of horrible franchises.
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#142 Demonjoe93
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I agree with everything TC said. The only people who would even pretend to disagree and the kids with Link avatars...


I don't have a Link avatar and I've disagreed with most of what he said.

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#143 Demonjoe93
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[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"] In the case of the sequels the hater are praising? No. Uncharted = Same controls, same art style different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Gears of war = Same controls, same art style, different world, different quests through 1, 2 & 3. Zelda = Different controls, different art style different world, different quests through all games. Therefore, Zelda is rehashed.

EDIT: Okay, maybe OoT, and Majoras Mask used same controls. Also, TLoZ and Zelda II. But the rest are different :P


All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?

All Nintendo games are rehashed......

lol, okay. :lol:

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#144 Demonjoe93
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[QUOTE="bbkkristian"] All sequels are rehashed then. Are we at an agreement?


All Nintendo games are rehashed......

Certain users on this board will ignore this truth.

Truth? lol, no.

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#145 AtariKidX
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All Nintendo games are rehashed......


Certain users on this board will ignore this truth.

Truth? lol, no.

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#146 hiphops_savior
Member since 2007 • 8535 Posts

[QUOTE="silversix_"]I'm sure you know what they are. One start with an M, second start with an M and third with a Z.


1. Legend of Zelda starts with the letter L. Like, elle.

2. Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Kirby, Yoshi's Island, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Pilotwings, Star Fox, Punch Out, Excite Bike, Xenoblade, Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Ice Climbers, Battalion Wars, Dr. Mario, Picross, Planet Puzzle League, Art S(tyle) Series, Wario Land, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven, and so, so many more.

I like a lot of Nintendo IPs. So, I agree. Leave me alone to enjoy these games that I enjoy.

WHile there are a few good ones in there, you just listed off a ton of horrible franchises.

Yes, I'm sure your definition of horrible franchises to be Word of God, and we must listen to your excellent taste. I have a better idea, lets play the same 5 hour game that tries so hard to rip off of Indiana Jones and Hollywood and the same online multiplayer game with campers and noob tubers.
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#147 Demonjoe93
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Certain users on this board will ignore this truth.


Truth? lol, no.


How so?

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#148 lx_theo
Member since 2010 • 6211 Posts


1. Legend of Zelda starts with the letter L. Like, elle.

2. Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Kirby, Yoshi's Island, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Pilotwings, Star Fox, Punch Out, Excite Bike, Xenoblade, Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Ice Climbers, Battalion Wars, Dr. Mario, Picross, Planet Puzzle League, Art S(tyle) Series, Wario Land, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven, and so, so many more.

I like a lot of Nintendo IPs. So, I agree. Leave me alone to enjoy these games that I enjoy.


WHile there are a few good ones in there, you just listed off a ton of horrible franchises.

Yes, I'm sure your definition of horrible franchises to be Word of God, and we must listen to your excellent taste. I have a better idea, lets play the same 5 hour game that tries so hard to rip off of Indiana Jones and Hollywood and the same online multiplayer game with campers and noob tubers.

Good think I don't like multiplayer very much at all... lol, good try.

And yes, TAKE MY WORD AS TRUTH. Do it, or whichever heavens you choose will strike you down into Oblivion and force you to play that conversation mingame to get people to like you! Because thats exactly what i said to do! Muahahahahaha! :roll:


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#149 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

[QUOTE="hiphops_savior"][QUOTE="lx_theo"] WHile there are a few good ones in there, you just listed off a ton of horrible franchises.lx_theo

Yes, I'm sure your definition of horrible franchises to be Word of God, and we must listen to your excellent taste. I have a better idea, lets play the same 5 hour game that tries so hard to rip off of Indiana Jones and Hollywood and the same online multiplayer game with campers and noob tubers.

Good think I don't like multiplayer very much at all... lol, good try.

And yes, TAKE MY WORD AS TRUTH. Do it, or whichever heavens you choose will strike you down into Oblivion and force you to play that conversation mingame to get people to like you! Because thats exactly what i said to do! Muahahahahaha! :roll:


How many of those "horrible franchises" have you beat anyway?

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#150 hiphops_savior
Member since 2007 • 8535 Posts

[QUOTE="hiphops_savior"][QUOTE="lx_theo"] WHile there are a few good ones in there, you just listed off a ton of horrible franchises.lx_theo

Yes, I'm sure your definition of horrible franchises to be Word of God, and we must listen to your excellent taste. I have a better idea, lets play the same 5 hour game that tries so hard to rip off of Indiana Jones and Hollywood and the same online multiplayer game with campers and noob tubers.

Good think I don't like multiplayer very much at all... lol, good try.

And yes, TAKE MY WORD AS TRUTH. Do it, or whichever heavens you choose will strike you down into Oblivion and force you to play that conversation mingame to get people to like you! Because thats exactly what i said to do! Muahahahahaha! :roll:


Let me reclarify since someone's sarcasm meter is broken, the quality of those franchises has little to do with the quantity of IP Nintendo has created over the past three decades. Whether or not someone likes them or not is subjective, but the fact is, Nintendo has created loads of franchises. Not every one of them stood the test of time, but that does not change the fact that a company that has been in the video gaming industry since the 80s has created quite a few series over the span of time. I would even dare to say that 10 years from now, we will be complaining that Sony is milking Uncharted and Little Big Planet.