I'm 17 years old
Started when i was 6
First Console: C64
Current Console: PS3/Pc
Favorite Game: Pixel Junk Monsters, Stalker(either one)
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age: 16
started playing: 3or so on my uncle's nes and what ever my dad had, it might have been a dream cast but i remember him saying nintendo.
first console: nes (from my uncle) but i had a gbc prior to that
current gen: ps3 all the way
fav games: tony hawk pro skater 1&2 (n64), nfs seires (gc, ps2(rented), ps3), burnout paridise (ps3), sonic the hedge hog (genisis), and the best cartredge ever - super mario bros./duck hunt.
you were 3 when the dreamcast was out? Wow, its been a long time. Does anyone else feel me on this?Age: 19
Started Gaming: 3
First Console: NES
Current Console: Playstation 3
Favorite Games: Super Mario Bros. 3, Fallout 3, BioShock, MGS3, MGS2, Gran Turismo 3, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World
Your sig speaks for yourself :PDrakes_FortuneReally?! Halo may be ONE of them, but there were also others too numerous to list. Seriously, BS generalization. i was kinda joking around. What. Ever. :/
Age: 17 Started gaming: 12 First system: PC Fav system: PC Systems owned this gen: PC, 360, Wii, DS Favorite games: Elder scrolls, X3, Sins of a Solar Empire, Diablo 2, Total War, Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid it can go on and on ........
first console: PS1
Favorite console this gen: PS3
Favorite games: MGS4, KZ2, UC2.
Am I the only one that finds it funny that Aku doesn't want to mention his age?
Age: 22
Started Gaming: 8-9
First Console: Sega Genesis
Fav Console This Gen: PS3
Favorite Games: Final Fantasy Series, Counter Strike, WoW
Age: 18
First console: Sega Genesis (Some very long nights of trying to beat Vectorman 2 :D )
Current console: 360, PS3, and some light PC gaming.
Favorite games: Vectorman 2, Zelda Majora's Mask, Diablo 2, Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders, Kotor 2, The Warriors, Elder Scrolls 3. Favorite of those would be Kotor 2.
Age: 17
Age Started: 6 or 7
First Console: Playstation
Favorite Console This Gen: Xbox 360
Fav games of all time:
Tales of Symphonia
Final Fantasy 7
Fire Emblem
Tales of the Abyss
Shadow of the Collossus
Kingdom Hearts
Age: 20
Started Gaming: 4
First Console: NES
Favorite Console This Gen: Wii
Favorite Games:
Mario platformers
Metroid series
Legend of Zelda series
Super Smash Bros. series
Resident Evil 4
Gears of War
Mario Kart series
Tales of Symphonia
World of Warcraft
Chrono Trigger
Castlevania series
Fire Emblem series
Pokemon series
Age: 17
Started Gaming: 3
First console: SNES and N64 (got my N64 on a wednesday & my SNES on a saturday)
Current console: Wii, Xbox 360, PC
Favorite Game :(alot in no particular order)
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros Brawl
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Mario Kart Wii
Xbox 360
Gears of War 1 & 2
Halo series
Banjo & Kazooie: Nut's & Bolts
Perfect Dark Zero
Conker: Live & Reloaded
Ninja Gaiden
Crysis Series
Doom 3
Dirt 2
Serious Sam Series
Luigi's Mansion
The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Starfox Adventures
Starfox Asssault
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
God Of War 1
God Of War 2
Super Mario 64
Starfox 64
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
007 Goldeneye
Megaman 64 (Legends)
Paper Mario
Yoshi Story
Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Super Mario RPG: Legend of he Seven Stars
Super Metroid
Super Mario World
Super Mario: All Stars
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
There is much more lol. Its hard for me to make up my mind on this kind of stuff.
Age: 25
First console: SNES
Current consoles: PS3 slim, PSP, NDS.
Favorite all time games in no particular order: Mortal Kombat II, Fallout 3, COD: Modern Warfare, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 2, GTA Vice City stories, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World.
Age: 29
Started Gaming: 2
First Console: Atari 2600
Fav Console This Gen: DS handheld, and I guess a PS3 cuz it's the only one I have right now
Favorite Games: Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 6, Lunar 1 & 2, Sonic 1-3, Sonic CD, Mario All-Stars, Mega Man Anniversary Collection, most any DS game I've played so far, a real favorite recently has been Mario vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, a truly awesome game
Age: 35
Started playing: 9 - 10yrs old. Sega Master System.
Current fav. console: 360
Favorite games: COD4,Battlefield Bad Co.,Assassins Creed, Bioshock,UFC,Gearsof War,Oblivion,Mass Effect,Halo 3,GTA4, and Crackdown.
Age 30.
First console was a SEGA Mastersystem - still pissed about that (only kid on my block without a NES :/). Parents - just get your kid the damn system he asks for. My dad got sold on the SEGA by the Toys-R-Us employee who convinced him it was a better machine, which it very well may have been, but it didnt have Mario Brothers and was therefor useless. Alex Kid in Miracle World was pretty cool, it just wasn't Mario.
Favorite console this gen is PS3, though I have a Wii, 360, and gaming PC as well. I appreciate the fact that the PS3 is virtually silent and feels much sleeker than the 360. I'd get a multi-plat on the PS3 even if it had slightly jaggier graphics for the system noise factor alone. The fact I have a NYKO Intercooler on the back of the my 360 to help keep it from melting doesn't help the noise problem. The fact I've had a 360 die on me and the one I have now's warranty is out doesn't endear me to the machine much either. I like 360's controller a little better though *shrugs*. With the notable exception of RE4, the Wii has been a total bust so far for me.
Favorite games? Hmmmm. I guess I have to start with Alex Kid in Miracle World :D. Mario Brothers. Resident Evil 2. Diablo 2. Demon's Souls. Mega Man 2. Castlevania. RE4 on the Wii. The Witcher. Fallout 1 and 2. Plants vs Zombies (Michael Jackson zombie FTW!). Moon Patrol. Warcraft 3 (still play almost every day). Eternal Darkness. Mario Kart DS.
I completely missed the bus on WOW and dont get the allure of MMOs at all. I guess that's a good thing. FPSers are too noisy for me, and every one I play just feels like a Counterstrike clone.
18, started at 5and i have vivd memories of this machine that had a sonic game on it, but it had a touch pad that was off of the TV screen, and i pressed it and played the game that way and it was a sonic game, just not the normal sonic games.first REAL console was NES with mario and thatracing game with the powerups and oil slides and stuff. Current console is PC, but i did have a 360 and sold it. Favorite game is HL2 and doom 3.
^can someone tell me what game thingwas called? i don't remember.
Age: 27
Started Gaming: 4
First Console: Intellivision
Fav Console This Gen: PC
Favorite Games:
secret of mana
legend of zelda link to the past
final fantasy vii
metal gear solid 3
chrono trigger
super mario world
Age: 20
Started Gaming: 3 or 4
First Console: N64 was the first I owned, but NES was the first I played
Fav Console This Gen: PS3/360 (I can't shoose just one)
Favorite Games (subject to change):
First console SNES. Started at age prolly 10 or something, not really sure. Fav system this gen is Wii. Im age 20. Fav games of all time? Hmm Zelda OoT/MM/WW/TP all equally, but for different reasons. Brawl and SMG are awesome too. I love me some halo series as well. i dig FFCC (gamecube one :P cant stand turn based crap) also!!
Age: 23
Started Gaming: 3-4
First Console: Intellivision
Fav Console This Gen: 360 I guess. PC is my fav though
Favorite Games This Gen: Super Mario Galaxy, Mass Effect, Dragon Age
Started Gaming:5 or 6 ( stopped around 13 ) started again around 18
First Console:SNES-N64-Dreamcast-Ps2-Ps3
Fav Console This Gen:Ps3
Favorite Games:
- MGS4
- Uncharted 1&2
- Oblivion
- FIFA 10
- Resident Evil 5
- Little Big Planet
- Skate 2
- Far cry 2
- Batman AA
- Resistance 2
- GTA 4
- Demons Souls
- COD 4
- Super Mario 64
- Goldeneye 007
- Super Mario World
- Turtles in Time
- NBA Jams
- Donkey Kong Country
- Earthbound
- Batman Returns
- Mortal Kombat 3
17 (18 ), 2, Amiga CD32 (IBM PC first gaming machine), 360 is the console I've enjoyed the most this gen, Ocarina of Time, Counter Strike, Half-Life, Super Mario World, many many many many more...
Age: 15
Started Gaming: 7-8
First Console: Gaming PC
Fav Console This Gen: Gaming PC (Console is a tie between PS3 and 360)
Favorite Games: Porta, Half-Life, TF2, Starcraft, Diablo, Grim Fandango, God of War, Fallout, Baldur's Gate
Age: 29
First console:- Atari 2600 / Spectrum ZX128 (1st console NES)
Current console(s) :- PS3, 360 & also a PSP
Favorite games:- This gen alone has so many great games, imagine listing the best games i played in the past 20+ years :P
Age: 23
First Console: NES
Started: 3 (according to my dad, lol).
Favorite Games pre-3d era: MegaMan 1 (NES), Mario 3 (NES), Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Genesis), MarioKart (SNES)
3d era: Twilight Princess, Mario 64, Wrestlemania 2000.
Current Console: 360, Wii, DS
Started gaming at 5 (NES Zelda)
Fav Console this Gen - Wii
NES - Maniac Mansion, Smash TV, Mario Bros 3, LOZ, Metroid, Kirby.
GB - Pokemanz.
Sega Genesis - Gain Ground.
DS - Advance Wars: DS, Mario Kart.
SNES-Secret of Mana, LOZ: LTTP, Super Metroid, Zombies ate my Neighbours, Chrono Trigger, Lufia II, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario All Stars, Ghoul Patrol, Super Ghoulsn' Ghosts.
PS1 - FFVII, MediEval.
N64 - LOZ: OOT, LOZ: MM, Banjo Kazooie, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Turok II, Armourines, Aidyn Chronicles, Star Fox 64, SW: Rouge Squadron.
GC - Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, REmake, Killer 7, Fire Emblem: POR, F-Zero, Geist, Star Fox Adventures
Wii - Zack and Wiki, RE4, Batallion Wars 2, Okami, LOZ: TP, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Fire Emblem, No More Heroes
PC - Star Craft, Comander Keen.
These are my favourites from each gen, Im sure I forgot a bunch...
Age: 15
First Console: PS2
Current Console: PS3
Favorite Games:
Age: Will be born in 12 years.
First Console: Playstation 6 Followed by Xbox 790^2
Favorite Games: Final Fantasy 21, Metal Gear Solid 7: Snake poisen, Pokemon Titanium, Tungeston and Berelium
Age: 24.
Started Gaming: When i was a wee lass.
First Console: NES (nintendo entertainment system)
Favourite Console this Gen: Playstation 3.
Favourite Game: Starcraft: Brood War. But only because of the map editor, which i spend hundreds of hours toying and creating with.
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