I've been following this game forever even before this current generation systems launched and really had an interest in it. I do see that the 360 version supposidly comes out in april 10, with PC version TBA, is a PC version even definte or is it just speculation? For those who don't know Alan Wake is a psychological thriller when a writer moves with his wife who ends up missing or so, and to make this game unique light is your weapon, aka. flashlight, flare guns ect.
Also what about this game being Windows Vista only, i know that means Win 7 to but I have Windows XP and Win 7 RC which will expire before the game even comes out and can't really afford to upgrade the OS as it cost like over 200 bucks. I also don't own a 360 so thats out of the question. With the assumption there will be a way to play this on Win XP i'd like to know if anymore concrete info as far as PC requirements or release dates go.
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