@Shmiity said:
Alien Isolation is a C/C- game. The first few hours are cool, but it just turns into such an annoying, tedious shlog. OH I RAN ACROSS THE SHIP TO TOUCH THIS BUTTON. Oh, here is the damn Alien again. It's not scary. It's fucking annoying. It would have been a better game if you had the flamethrower the whole time. OH YEAH, and if the game was about 12 hours shorter.
Squandered potential.
There are touches of brilliance, but there's some annoying stuff too. For starters, screw this game's save system. I've played too much of this game over again (and I'm not even that far into the game) simply because I'm not allowed to save my progress. Yeah, I'll hear people say, "but that makes the game scarier." And I call BS on that. I'm supposed to be scared of the Alien, not scared of losing an hour of my life. To people who like a challenge and want to go long stretches without saving, fine. JUST DON'T SAVE. But there should be the OPTION of manually saving at any point, because this is clearly intended to be a game for adults and adults have jobs and families and responsibilities. At the very least, the save points should be better placed. Don't place a save point right before an easy part of the game which is right before a hard part of the game. If people are expected to die at the hard part, then place the save point right before the hard part, that way players don't have to keep playing through the easy part just to get to the hard part. That's like putting a save point at the beginning of a hallway and putting the boss at the end of the hallway. Screw that. Now every time you die, you have to walk down the same hallway. If that's not the part that supposed to be challenging, then don't make me repeat it. Instead, put the save point at the END of the hallway right before I get to the boss, so that I don't have to keep wasting time walking down the same hallway over and over again.
Also, there's some annoying behavior from the Alien itself. Let me give you a scenario. Right now I'm on mission 6 and I'm trapped in a locker. I just had to access a computer and then hide in a locker, but as soon as that happened the game glitched out on me and now I can't see my motion tracker while I'm in the locker. Sure, I can hear when the Alien is close, but I can't see which direction it is, so that glitch is causing a problem. But beyond that, once I exit the room, there's only one direction to go and the Alien keeps hanging out right outside the room. WHY?! Why the hell is the Alien hanging out right outside the door? Does that make any sense? The Alien keeps hanging out outside the door, and occasionally walking into the room before leaving. And that doesn't even make logical sense. If the Alien doesn't know I'm there, then it needs to get the hell out of the hallway and go exploring elsewhere. Why is it hanging around when it doesn't know I'm there? Alternatively, if the Alien DOES know I'm there, then it needs to just eat my ass and quit screwing around. There's no reason I should have to spend half an hour repeatedly exiting a locker and then ducking right back into that locker just because the Alien won't stop hanging around outside the door of the room I'm in. That doesn't even make narrative sense. Hell, if this were a human or an android, that would at least make a little bit of sense since you could imagine that his job was to patrol that one specific spot. But the Alien does whatever the hell it wants to, the Alien answers to no one. That just takes me out of the game. If they insist on trapping me in that room, then at least stick an android there and then have me re-encounter the Alien after I get past the android.
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