The mod deleted my reply and I have no idea why. I'm simply not gonna bother. I'm sorry but you guys really have no idea what you're talking about. 30FPS on a PC first person shooter is like being handicapped. 30FPS works fine on console because the analog movement of your FOV limits the speed at which you can look around. With a mouse, 30FPS is downright choppy. Anybody who's played PC FPS knows what I'm talking about. If you think otherwise, I just can't take your opinion seriously.
i probably wont follow through with this, since im notoriously lazy. But give me a game thats free or cheap and allows frame locking and i will test it out. Im fairly convinced i could achieve similar performance at 30 or 60 fps.
That's all I needed to hear. You've never/hardly played PC games.
I honestly never paid attention to my fps when i used to be hardcore into PC fps... because as long as it was serviceable i never noticed a difference. Pretty sure when i used to play SOF2 i hovered around 30fps and i owned serious face.
Soldier of Fortune 2? Are you serious?Whatever online community that game had could not have been even a quarter way serious. Try something like Unreal Tournament or Team Fortress 2 or any of the other games I mentioned and see how you fare.
and im not trying to deny you your point... consoles are definitely better suited to lower fps because of slower movement speed... all im saying is you are overblowing the advantages of 30 vs 60fps... im not saying there is no advantage. Just that you are making it seem like you cant play at 30fps in a PC game and remain competitive.
The disadvantage of 30FPS is ridiculous and not overblown.
you are right, you are 100% right in your point... you are just embellishing alot.
No I'm really not. You've admitted now that you've rarely played PC games. I play many PC games. There's a HUGE difference between playing a shooter on a console and playing a shooter on the PC. Mouse and keyboard controls are an entirely different ballgame to analog sticks, especially without the auto-aim. The framerate makes a dramatic difference.
no ive admitted i was hardcore into PC gaming... just not in the past couple years. You think SOF2 community wasnt hardcore because it wasnt popular.... geeze guess that means MW2 players are way more hardcore than CS players... since CS has such a tiny community in comparison.
i will get team fortress 2. I played quake team fortress alot... you know, the original one... so probably not too difficult. I can framelock in this game, right?
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