Am I the only one that doesn't really see whats so great about CoD4?

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#51 nevi
Member since 2005 • 860 Posts
I don´t see what´s so great about it too. Looks preety average to me. I wish i could play all the other games i got for christmas instead of waiting to my brother to finish playing cod4 (what´s taking him so long?? the campaign is supposed to be really short!!).
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#52 gtawoof
Member since 2003 • 1843 Posts
I havent enjoyed a FPS since i've played Half Life 2, thanks Half Life, lmao, but seriously nothing's been better so far, everything else is just run of the mill imo.
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Member since 2007 • 1264 Posts
cod 4 is where competitive fps gaming is the single player wasnt boring it had awesome effects like a ship sinking and a helicopter sliding on the ground with its blades towards you. COD 4 sp/mp both rock how can someone even diss the SP is beyond me
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#54 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts
I love the MP, even when someone uses either Last Stand or Martyrdom perks. As far as SP, the Air Support mission is cool. That's as far as I've gotten because I prefer MP...
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#55 DrinkDuff
Member since 2004 • 6762 Posts

In my opinion COD4 was a lot of fun but it was just so linear, restrictive, and the A.I. was so simple-minded that it almost felt like a rail shooter. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I prefer games with challenging A.I. rather than making up for their dumbness by sending wave after wave of enemies. It also brings down the realism factor quite a bit.

Believe it or not, I enjoyed Halo 3's singleplayer camaign more. It also had a fair share of issues, (mostly level design problems) but at least most of the enemies were intelligent enough to do something other than run out in the open, shoot and throw grenades, and there was some open-endedness to the gameplay (except that Cortana level). And before anyone can say COD4's campaign didn't have an awful level, it did. The section inside the missle silo was awful. The arrangement of the level made it impossible to take cover half the time, and you had to make leaps of faith and quickly dispatch enemies out in the open and hope you popped their head first. It wouldn't have been so bad if there wasn't a time limit always pushing you forward so you couldn't take your time (oh and the lack of checkpoints was annoying).

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#56 -CheeseEater-
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CoD4 is like Counter Strike, just that it's not going to last as long...
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#57 t3hTwinky
Member since 2005 • 3701 Posts

Terrorists? Nazis? Gays? Now this conversation is starting to get interesting.

But you're right. They created an unambiguously evil badguy to fight against. Nazis pretty much fit the bill but rather than opting for historical accuracy like they have before they opted tofabricate a new conflict rather than a pre-existing one. They choose a simplified good vs evil formula over something that could have made for interesting political commentary. Who are the bad guys? Russians and Arabs! Yep the good old American stereotype of evil in the modern era. So in effect they created a wonderful piece of American propaganda.

It's a sad fact that COD4bares alot of similarities to the propaganda films of WWII, Vietnam and the Cold War.


See, the huge problem with the whole bad guy scenario is that nazis are the perfect villains. You don't need any real reason to shoot them other than the fact that they're nazis, its just what you do. I mean, if I were to be randomly holding a firearm, and a nazi walked into the room, I would probably shoot him, and then be all, "Oh jeez, sorry dude, its just I was raised."

I honestly would have preferred if they had come up with some kind of outrageous future-nazis, because I know these guys aren't terrorists as we know the term, but an actual supposedly organized fighting force like the german army. Only, they're dressed all rag-tag and don't really have recognizable uniforms, so I didn't really buy that I was fighting an army, it was more like a horde.

In the originals, it was like you, the player, were overcoming incredible obstacles by defeating the nazi war machine, but in CoD4 its just like you're completely dominating a bunch of noobs with your technology, and all they have is superior numbers and exemplory greande-throwing skills.

Still fun, though.

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#58 her0_54
Member since 2006 • 474 Posts
With all of the GOTY nominees being panned, is there any one game out there that everyone could agree on?
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#59 Haee
Member since 2006 • 1378 Posts

Aaahhhhh, I get it. You're hung up on the fact that I used a loaded word like "terrorists," and for some reason it offened you, so now you're getting all pissy and whiny even though you know exactly what I meant.

Well then excuse me, your highness-ness, allow me to rephrase my statement so that you may go to sleep tonight knowing that the world is free of imaginary prejudice in video game forums:

It's basically Call of Duty 2, only instead of having nazis, it has a slightly different kind antagonist that serves the exact same purpose in the game as the nazis did in CoD2.

Happy now, princess? :roll:


......are you gay :|

Maybe he is Link from the Zelda t.v. show.

There was never a Zelda TV show, chances are your talking about the abominations known as Zelda : The wand of Gamelon and the Faces of Evil.

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#60 deactivated-59d151f079814
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After playing Crysis I came to CoD4 and I must say its a disapointment. Half-Life 2 in my mind is far more advanced in mechanics and technology. Its wierd too CoD4 graphically speakin gis a very confusing games.. Some times it looks pretty good other times it looks absolutely awful.. I have no idea how a engine could be so varied in visuals.

The weapons felt good but no where near the quality as FEAR.. And I must say there were just too many guys being thrown at you.. It could entirelly too boring and stupid.. Not to mention artifiical where if in one situation I held back and killed off the guys more would come.. Where I would kill dozens.. If I run in go alittle futrhter I end up really only fighting 6..

The AI in the game was really god awful too.. They had no tactics, but what made it the worse is the fact that 70% of the time the enemy specifically goes after your character.. Even when you have a dozen tema mates around you where htey are in the open and your udner cover.. They will still be firing through that cover to try to get to YOU instead of logically going after the team mates..

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#61 mo0ksi
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I think CoD4 is a good game, but aside from its RPG system in it's MP, then you're just looking at the same game with a different tone and setting. Nothing more.

I have a strong feeling that just like how the CoD series killed the MoH series, Brothers In Arms will do the same to CoD.

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#62 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

Aaahhhhh, I get it. You're hung up on the fact that I used a loaded word like "terrorists," and for some reason it offened you, so now you're getting all pissy and whiny even though you know exactly what I meant.

Well then excuse me, your highness-ness, allow me to rephrase my statement so that you may go to sleep tonight knowing that the world is free of imaginary prejudice in video game forums:

It's basically Call of Duty 2, only instead of having nazis, it has a slightly different kind antagonist that serves the exact same purpose in the game as the nazis did in CoD2.

Happy now, princess? :roll:


......are you gay :|

Maybe he is Link from the Zelda t.v. show.

There was never a Zelda TV show, chances are your talking about the abominations known as Zelda : The wand of Gamelon and the Faces of Evil.

Actually, there was. It was a cartoon that was part of the Super Mario Show, where Captain Lou albino played Mario...

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#63 screamingdoom
Member since 2007 • 884 Posts

CoD4 was fun

Stalker was more fun

Crysis was most fun

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#64 mistervengeance
Member since 2006 • 6769 Posts

have you ever played it??

i've played a lot of fps in the past couple years, mainly halo, and COD4 is simply the best.(on consoles and close to the best on pc's)