Funny how you skipped the part where I said "Halo, in my opinion, lacks compelling characters. The only character that's worth mentioning in the whole series is the Arbiter and that's it." in my initial post. It's fairly obvious that the Halo series is a spin on the galatic battle between three factions (Terran Federation, Arachnids and Skinnies from Starship Troopers and Predator, Xenomorphs and Colonial Marines from Aliens vs Predator) but it's done in a fairly standard and uninspired fashion with very little to actually make me care (AKA interesting characters) as initially stated. I guess reading along is fun, eh?
As for cutting the crap and answering your question, keep in mind that I'm not obligated to answer a single question asked by you. If you have a hardon for Halo, that's your problem but if you're going to come to me, attempt to force feed me long ass posts when the majority of your questions were answered in the first place, don't expect me to follow along.
I didn't skip it, I just wanted you to elaborate further. But now that you have elaborated I don't need to be left wandering in the dark. So now that that is out of the way I can further pinpoint where Halo fails. And where it fails is storytelling. Quite frankly, I don't care for the characters too. But it's a diamond in the rough. A student film with potential. Whatever analogy you want to use. Uninspired? No, I wouldn't say so. If it was uninspired --refer to my "long ass post" because you guessed right: reading along is fun indeed ;). Also, if it was uninspired, it would have been unanimouslystamped cliche from day one,
By the way the Skinnies are allied with the Bugs. They're essentially a two-species Covenant. It's not a three way war.
Yeah I totally have a hardon for Halo. So much so I want to know where and how it fails to someone who is not interested in it. People usually can't tell me, and when they try to, I can counter it. Not to say that Halo is without its faults. I usually need someone suffering from teen angstto illustrate it loud and clear where Halo fails. And I accept it if it does ring true. But make no mistake that I do know more about Halo than you (naturally, because apparently I can get it up whenever Halo is mentioned), and I know where it falls in the science fiction genre. I can even give you a link to prove how it doesn't fall into an uninspired cliche fest.
Then again I have to take your experiences with games with a grain of salt, much like you'd probably do with mine. Why?
Remember the time you told me some Lore Nazi told you off for calling hobbits halflings in LotR:O? Do you know how contradictory that looked? Not only are hobbits called halflings in Middle Earth lore, a Lore Nazi would simply have assumed you were role playing a certain race. So that either means two things:
1) This so called Lore Nazi (which everyone hates and unianimously asks to shutup) did not know what he/she was talking about
2) You were lying through your teeth, which makes you lose credibility already.
So how can I apply that to Halo? Well, the Arbiter is the most well known character apart from Master Chief. Any John Doe can say "The Arbiter is the most interesting character in the Halo series". Yeah, compared to Master Chief is a work of art. But what did he do? He failed as a Fleet Commander, was redeemed as some sacred person known as "The Arbiter", got wind of the Covenant's ulterior motive and has to join the Human force. But what about the more interesting Prophets, espcecially the Prophet of Truth? He outshines the Arbiter as an interesting character. He screws over the two other Prophets, kills those who know too much (the Heretics) and knows something the rest of the Covenant don't know. Anyone looking for a complex character in Halo would have immediately found him. But no, since Halo fans just scream Arbiter everyone jumps on the bandwagon and hopes for the best.
Sorry for ranting. Your information is highlyvaluable, but still it's a little iffy. Especially when you mademistakes with Starship Troopers and Lord of the Rings. But then again we all don't know jack about things we're not really interested in.
Oh, and by the way, as for demanding a reply: I'm sure you would think of me a coward if I didn't reply to your posts. I'm sure everyone thinks the same around here.
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