@michaelmikado said:
@Gatygun said:
@michaelmikado said:
This is a nuts hot take, unless PCs switch to AMD in mass the majority of PCs built will be quad core for the next few years so you wouldn’t get much out of an 8 core 16 thread part anyway. Intel isn’t even on 7nm yet to even make mass adoption of octacore feasible for most of the world.
U clearly never experienced a generational shift.
Hmm that’s funny I don’t remember the minimum spec for all games suddenly shooting up to octacore processors with the introduction of XBO and PS4? I wonder why that is....
So you never experienced one.
PC requirements always shoot up, everybody that experienced those shifts will know this. The reason why PS4 CPU didn't much impact PC cpu solutions was because the CPU's where total trash. Not even remotely comparable towards any high end CPU at the time or even mid range CPU. Even high end 4 years earlier cpu's that where only 4 cores would stomp them twice over.
It was a joke. There was no need for additional CPU performance.
On the GPU and ram requirement solutions that was completely different. before the PS4, 4gb and 1,5gb v-ram was about 10 times more then what consoles had ( ps3 gen ). that's like saying now next gen will require 80gb of memory split over v-ram and normal ram on pc). everybody thought that 10x the ram would be future proof until unit started to hit. Guess what those 1,5gb v-ram cards did? nothing. they where garbage bin material as 2gb now was the absolute minimum. for system ram 4gb was also to low, 6gb was the absolute minimum which shooted up fast towards 8gb not long after it with a 2gb v-ram solution that's 10gb total, 20x the total of what consoles used before.
I know this because i experienced it and had to upgrade because of it. Much like i had to upgrade already for ages ago when PS1 and n64 was a thing and voodoo cards. I experienced a bunch of those shifts.
With CPU that is no joke even remotely but actually a monster in the PS5, a 8/16 cpu 3,2ghz zen 2. ( unless they for some reason cut stuff down version) every single PC without a 8/16 setup at atleast 4ghz+ will struggle to the end of the earth. Will devs care? to reduce taxation on PC? lol they never did and never will because they don't make there games around PC's.
If unity or watch dog type of game arrives for the PS5, be ready to have that cpu as a bare minumum at 4,5ghz with it.
Your 4 core CPU aint going to run shit let alone that devs give 2 cents about it. Much like devs didn't give a dam about people with lower v-ram solutions back when the PS4 released.
Sorry but you lack experience and knowledge on this front. If the PS5 comes out with 24gb of ram also, be ready for PC's getting whooped by that box with having atleast 24gb of memory with absolute minimum of 6-8gb of v-ram if you are lucky.
This is why i say in topics constantly, anybody that upgrades under what consoles offer is setting themselves up for disappointment really quick and with PC's u are better off getting some overhead while you are at it because the requirements can spike even up far more on PC because of shit tier optimisation.
That's why i said the whole nvidia line up are garbage because of the simple reason v-ram. This is why radeon 7 is currently the only option for people that want to upgrade and keep there stuff for a while and not have to worry about stuff like v-ram. Even the 11gb cards are going to struggle.
Nvidia knows this, because nvidia makes there money this way. They play the users with v-ram limitations. The same as intel does with cores.
Nest generation we will see a massive jump up in cores real fast and ghz. 5ghz are going to be the focus and 16/32 cores are going to be the absolute best solution to sit the gen out. That's why intel is also pushing out of nowhere 8/16 cores at as high clocks as possible simple for the fact they know those 4/8 and 6 and 6/12 cores are going to be dumpestered really quick.
Men that 6 core they released what a joke.
That's why you see AMD now pushing forwards on the cores and focusing heavily on 8/16 solutions already with the upcoming release. It's needed. And we probably see 16gb v-ram cards real quick, 32gb memory pools as standard and 16/32 core cpu's pretty fast. Because i can't see how they going to push 6-7ghz cores. It's the only way they can push things forwards.
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