There actually aren't any kill streaks in the game. You get extra points for getting killstreaks of 3, 5, and 10, but there are no kill streak similar to the ones in CoD. The perks aren't much of a problem either. Having 2 primary weapons is good but at the same time you hardly get any ammo for either weapon. There is a shotgun pistol anyway thats a side arm so the appeal to use 2 primaries isn't very much.
The shotguns in Killzone are also very balanced and work the way shotguns should work in games, not like the ones from MW2. The biggest problem in the game is the Marksman Unlimited Invisibility + Radar Blocking + Sta52 (Best Assault Rifle in the Game) + Proximity Mines + VC3 Sniper Rifle = Rage
There is no counter to this setup and if the person wants to sit in obscure parts of the map while completely invisible and cover his back with Proxy Mines than there really is no stopping him. Get a few of those players 100 yards from your spawn point and there really is nothing you can do.
If anything, rent it for the campaign and maybe a few matches of MP. The campaign was actually quite enjoyable despite what critics have said (Play on Veteran your first go, Normal is EZ Mode)
Then what's faster reload, increased accuracy and bullet damage then? You have to unlock them by killing, therefore it's a killstreak. Do you realize how much it helps? There aren't like COD which are perks for those, but they make a huge difference as it's easy to kick more ass once you got them.LOL Marksman.:P
I brought Killzone 2 for 30 bucks and I can do the same here or even less.
The ribbons don't make that much of a difference. The only one thats really useful is faster reloading. Even the increased bullet damage is hardly noticeable, especially when the game is OHK head shots anyway. Never when I die am I screaming "OMFG he only killed me because he has the ______ ribbon!" Bullet damage is gotten through getting a certain amount of assists as well, so its not exactly a kill streak.
I thought you were talking about getting it now, in which case I wouldn't recommend spending the $60. At $30 though it would be fine if you were alreadt planning on waiting. Just don't want to see anyone else blowing $60 on a lackluster MP game.
Yeah, Ribbons aren't earned by killstreaks. You can die in between progression. 5 assists for Increased Bullet Damage isn't a kill, nor a streak, lol. Same with 3 melee kills for Increased Accuracy.
Also, those two Ribbons I detailed are being nerfed in a patch soon.
As for the MP design in general, I'm disappointed by some things they took out from KZ2. The more I play, the more I realize that team work and patience has never been more important, lol.
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