:lol: I gae Killzone 3 the same score as Edge. I suppose that makes me a liar and biased against the PS3 as well :P
it could mean that you dont know how to judge a game on any reasonable level..... or you could just be a liar. I wasnt going to say that, but its a possibility.
the primary reason I have heard from you is
"waah! the online has killstreaks! that makes it more unbalanced than an 80 year old man's bowels!! worst multiplayer evarr!"
you act like killstreaks are the holocaust of online multiplayer. KZ3 is not unbalanced. its sure of a hell alot more balanced than halo, COD, resistance 2, killzone 2 or any other online multiplayer that I have experienced this gen. the killstreaks do not make that much of a difference. you are making a mountain out of a molehill and the fact that you are a PS3 owner does not give you credibility.
:lol: please show me a quote where I said anything about killstreaks ruining the game
Check a few posts up where I actually told another user that the killstreaks are basically non existant and don't have much impact on the gameplay anyway.
My complaints are:
- No customs lobbies. Killzone 2 had this and it was great. One of the few console games that has this. Now we get terrible matchmaking that only ever wants to put me in matches at Salaman Market.
- Tactical Spawn Areas. The flow of the match is constantly ruined in the opposite team takes the TSA in front of your base and continues to spawn camp the rest of the time. I am trying to complete objectives, no play capture and hold with the TSAs the entire match. Spawn grenades/Squad spawn worked fine in Killzone 2.
- The Marksman Class. I shouldn't have to elaborate. I posted something about it above if you must know.
- Poor map design. Most of the maps seem to focus between players standing on opposite sides of a door and throwing grenades. Play MAWLR Graveyard and you'll see what I mean.
- Proximity Mines are available for every class. Only the Saboteur class in Killzone 2 could have them. Now, every class has access so you can possibly have up to 24 Proxy's live on the map at once. I'm trying to get around and capture points/complete objectives. instead I just die by Proxys all the time because they're everywhere.
- GG hyped up the use of Jetpacks and only ONE map offers jetpacks. Mechs are only on 2 maps
- Only 8 or so maps in the entire game
- Day 1 DLC
- New DLC announced before the game had even been out a week
- I also miss custom lobbies.
- I miss spawn grenades too but the tactical spawn points haven't been so bad so far and the only time I've seen the tactical spawn point in front of the base taken by the enemy faction is when the team losing the spawn point is really bad.
- This.
- I actually think the map design is pretty good and well varied compared to Killzone 2.
- Oh man I hate that. On Killzone 2 they were so rare that I didn't much care about how cheap they were. At least they're more obvious now and easy to see.
- Not sure if this is a big deal.
- That's not true. In the entire game there are like 15.
- I don't mind them bringing back Saluman Market, although I hated Blood Gracht.
- What's the new DLC?
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