And PC gamers are the one always yapping on about graphics.
Anyway in case you have been living in a cave, the Wii is dominating the console market.
I don't know about that. From what i've seen, most people that hate on the Wii are boys playing one of the 'HD' twins, and that think that playing gritty, gray shooters is a superior experience. I laugh at that. Hard. There's no such thing as 'maturity' in playing casual shooters, or gore galore games.
Then there's the 'lack of third party'/'wii controller sucks' group. That's a legit complaint. I am also kinda sad that incredible games like Bayonetta and Vanquish did not made it on the Wii. Due to the lack of raw power and such, they would have not played well.
Nintendo still owned this generation though. But I would give anything for them to bring forth a powerful console soon. I would be the first one in line to buy it, it's sad that i have no interest in handheld gaming.
I personally don't give a **** about online on a console. I do have a PC more then capable of everything from high quality games, to online perfection. I consider the Wii as a good plus to my gaming variety.
It was actually sarcasm, sir.
Maybe an emoticon would have helped? Like maybe something like this: :roll:That usually helps to tell that there is sarcasm.
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