This is old, and it looks bad as far as I'm concerned. Still will wait and see
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Speak for yourself. As far as the PS3s exclusive RPGs go, Im not feeling the hype.
While White Knight Chronicles and Altelier Rorona look like great quality RPGs everything else looks very questionable.
I have to agree with him as well, i love RPG's especially JRPG's and there going to be tons of them this year, im looking forward to Star Ocean 4 International, Last Rebillion, White Knight Chronicles, Ar Tonelico 3, Atelier Rorona, Agrest Wars, this game Zero zitta somthing lol, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy 14, Resonace of Fate, 3D Dot Game, Tales of Vesperia ( might gets locolized) and um i think i forgot a couple more but yeah everything here interests me a lot so i agree
Well PS3 is getting better when it comes to JRPGs and soon it might be the best current generation home console for JRPGs but its still very far from what PS2 used to be.
When Final Fantasy versus XIII gets released i'll pretty much say ps3 is better than ps2 :P and if the rumores are true and that FFVII gets a remake or the next kingdom hearts then thats it ps3 destroys the ps2 on the JRPG's section :P imo
The reason I have a PS3: JRPGs.
Lol @ you if you think Valkyria Chronicles is a "generic JRPG".[QUOTE="Rockman999"][QUOTE="teh_shogun"]
looks like any other generic JRPG. it will fade into obscurity just like eternal sonata, valkyria chronicles, etc.
Somebody's playing it. A sequel is going to be released.
I have to agree with him as well, i love RPG's especially JRPG's and there going to be tons of them this year, im looking forward to Star Ocean 4 International, Last Rebillion, White Knight Chronicles, Ar Tonelico 3, Atelier Rorona, Agrest Wars, this game Zero zitta somthing lol, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy 14, Resonace of Fate, 3D Dot Game, Tales of Vesperia ( might gets locolized) and um i think i forgot a couple more but yeah everything here interests me a lot so i agree
Well PS3 is getting better when it comes to JRPGs and soon it might be the best current generation home console for JRPGs but its still very far from what PS2 used to be.
When Final Fantasy versus XIII gets released i'll pretty much say ps3 is better than ps2 :P and if the rumores are true and that FFVII gets a remake or the next kingdom hearts then thats it ps3 destroys the ps2 on the JRPG's section :P imo
Not really if you check on PS2 it got too many great JRPGs (Wild arms 3, alter code F, 4 and 5), (Suikoden 3,4 and 5), FFX, Tales of the abyss, Ar tonelico, (KH1 and KH2), Valkyrie profile silmeria, Dragon quest 8, Radiata stories, Rogue galaxy, dark cloud and many others not even DS can come close to PS2 when it comes to JRPGs.
nobody plays it, and has faded into total obscurity.Kashiwaba
So every game people stop playing means it faded xD JRPGs are not FPS games with online MP to keep playing them forever.
The fact that he thinks VC is generic, makes all of his statements invalid.It's from Japan, what do you expect?Better titles? Mass Effect is pretty dumb title too.[QUOTE="Rockman999"][QUOTE="heretrix"]
I really hate the really, really idiotic JRPG titles they come up with. They are utter nonsense.
Better titles? Mass Effect is pretty dumb title too.[QUOTE="heretrix"]
[QUOTE="Rockman999"]It's from Japan, what do you expect?XenogearsMaster
If you played the game you would know that the name of the title actually has alot to do with the game.. no dumb names like infinite undiscovery and all that rubbish.
Well, I watched videos of of both the PS2 and PSX games in the series and I believe there is no hope for this game. They looked..... not good.
Well, I watched videos of of both the PS2 and PSX games in the series and I believe there is no hope for this game. They looked..... not good.
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
Well, I watched videos of of both the PS2 and PSX games in the series and I believe there is no hope for this game. They looked..... not good.
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
Well, I watched videos of of both the PS2 and PSX games in the series and I believe there is no hope for this game. They looked..... not good.
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
I'd rather eat a baby.
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
I'd rather eat a baby.
Well, I watched videos of of both the PS2 and PSX games in the series and I believe there is no hope for this game. They looked..... not good.
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
What was its name on PS2 need to check it :P?
The PS2 one had battle animations that looked bad ... for a Ps1 game.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
What was its name on PS2 need to check it :P?
Zill 'oll infinity.
Some of the footage may disturb you.
You should see the animations in the PSX game then. Its not pretty.
What was its name on PS2 need to check it :P?
Zill 'oll infinity.
Some of the footage may disturb you.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
What was its name on PS2 need to check it :P?
Zill 'oll infinity.
Some of the footage may disturb you.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
It really pisses me off how bleh alot of these PS3 exclusive RPGs look. This Zill game looks decent at best, The Last Rebellion look like it COULD be alright and Atelier looks like a possible disappointment. I know devs find it hard to develop on the PS3 but c'mon, not even big name JRPG devs are touching the system for exclusives. Level 5, Tri Ace, Atlus, Natsume, Namco Bandai, what the hell? Atleast SEGA stepped up to the plate... and hit a homerun. Nippon Ichi is trying as well.
Nippon Ichi needs to stop producing crossover games.
No doubt. Cross Edge was disastrous and that Trinity cross w/e game looks like the same thing... but in 3D.
Zill 'oll infinity.
Some of the footage may disturb you.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
It really pisses me off how bleh alot of these PS3 exclusive RPGs look. This Zill game looks decent at best, The Last Rebellion look like it COULD be alright and Ar Tonelico looks like a possible disappointment. I know devs find it hard to develop on the PS3 but c'mon, not even big name JRPG devs are touching the system for exclusives. Level 5, Tri Ace, Atlus, Natsume, Namco Bandai, what the hell? Atleast SEGA stepped up to the plate... and hit a homerun. Nippon Ichi is trying as well.
I dont know about you but all those games are great to me :P, Level5 is a big company so White Knight Chronicles is going to be big and then we have White Knight 2, the makers of Valkyria Chronicles said they would love to make the next game on ps3 so thats another plus and ps3 is just starting, soon more and more devs will be maiking JRPG's, Square is finall starting with it first with SO4 then FFXIII and then 14. u cant complain we are getting some great games, i havent missed a single JRPG on ps3 and will never do, cant wait for all ofthem but to be honest my fav games are the ones that coming from Nippon Ichi imo they make great games like Ar Tonelico and Atelier[QUOTE="Kashiwaba"]
Zill 'oll infinity.
Some of the footage may disturb you.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
It really pisses me off how bleh alot of these PS3 exclusive RPGs look. This Zill game looks decent at best, The Last Rebellion look like it COULD be alright and Ar Tonelico looks like a possible disappointment. I know devs find it hard to develop on the PS3 but c'mon, not even big name JRPG devs are touching the system for exclusives. Level 5, Tri Ace, Atlus, Natsume, Namco Bandai, what the hell? Atleast SEGA stepped up to the plate... and hit a homerun. Nippon Ichi is trying as well.
Level 5 is making WKC and Ar Tonelico 3 is shaping to be very good :P anyway i guess all the big companies will play it safe and put all their RPGs mutiplats for higher sales.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
It really pisses me off how bleh alot of these PS3 exclusive RPGs look. This Zill game looks decent at best, The Last Rebellion look like it COULD be alright and Ar Tonelico looks like a possible disappointment. I know devs find it hard to develop on the PS3 but c'mon, not even big name JRPG devs are touching the system for exclusives. Level 5, Tri Ace, Atlus, Natsume, Namco Bandai, what the hell? Atleast SEGA stepped up to the plate... and hit a homerun. Nippon Ichi is trying as well.
Levvel 5 is making WKC :P anyway i guess all the big companies will play it safe and put all their RPGs mutiplats for higher sales.
Lol, yeah, I had a brain fart for a sec there. WKC looks great, props to Level 5.
I dont know about you but all those games are great to me :P, Level5 is a big company so White Knight Chronicles is going to be big and then we have White Knight 2, the makers of Valkyria Chronicles said they would love to make the next game on ps3 so thats another plus and ps3 is just starting, soon more and more devs will be maiking JRPG's, Square is finall starting with it first with SO4 then FFXIII and then 14. u cant complain we are getting some great games, i havent missed a single JRPG on ps3 and will never do, cant wait for all ofthem but to be honest my fav games are the ones that coming from Nippon Ichi imo they make great games like Ar Tonelico and Atelier
I forgot about L5 and WKC for a sec there, brain fart. WKC looks great.
Yeah, SEGA said they would love to make another VC for the PS3, thats no confirmation.
The PS3s just starting? It came out in 06, your cutting devs too much slack.
Square is bringing over a bunch of multiplats, Im talking exclusives, JRPGs the PS3 can call its own. VERSUS will be one, hopefully Square will keep it up.
Altelier looks like it could be good but it also looks like Gust/NIS isnt going all out with the 3D transition, one of NISs problems nowadays.
Ar Tonelico actually looks like a JRPG of quality. It looks like potential AA class game, although bland in a few areas.
Even its CG looks sick xD but the old one had turn based fighting hmm.
It really pisses me off how bleh alot of these PS3 exclusive RPGs look. This Zill game looks decent at best, The Last Rebellion look like it COULD be alright and Ar Tonelico looks like a possible disappointment. I know devs find it hard to develop on the PS3 but c'mon, not even big name JRPG devs are touching the system for exclusives. Level 5, Tri Ace, Atlus, Natsume, Namco Bandai, what the hell? Atleast SEGA stepped up to the plate... and hit a homerun. Nippon Ichi is trying as well.
I dont know about you but all those games are great to me :P, Level5 is a big company so White Knight Chronicles is going to be big and then we have White Knight 2, the makers of Valkyria Chronicles said they would love to make the next game on ps3 so thats another plus and ps3 is just starting, soon more and more devs will be maiking JRPG's, Square is finall starting with it first with SO4 then FFXIII and then 14. u cant complain we are getting some great games, i havent missed a single JRPG on ps3 and will never do, cant wait for all ofthem but to be honest my fav games are the ones that coming from Nippon Ichi imo they make great games like Ar Tonelico and Atelier Nippon ichi :lol: and here's to the hope of a release of Disgaea 4 but ar tonelico and atelier will beat disgaea no doubtI was gonna say something like that about the title :P Seriously, even if the game is another GOTY like DS, the title will turn down the majority of the potential buyers. I know that I won't buy a game with that name on it.I really hate the really, really idiotic JRPG titles they come up with. They are utter nonsense.
It has been confirmed for a long time now
Funniest thing is that the TC has already mentioned the game numerrous times before.
It has been confirmed for a long time now
Funniest thing is that the TC has already mentioned the game numerrous times and even made a thread about it before.
Well Finalstar really does love his PS3 RPGs. Anyways I probably won't be getting this game, it's an action RPG and it's also giving me some Dynasty Warrior vibes for some reason.. When more information comes out I will look into it but I can't see me enjoying it.[QUOTE="Shirokishi_"][QUOTE="Yandere"]
It has been confirmed for a long time now
Funniest thing is that the TC has already mentioned the game numerrous times and even made a thread about it before.
Well Finalstar really does love his PS3 RPGs. Anyways I probably won't be getting this game, it's an action RPG and it's also giving me some Dynasty Warrior vibes for some reason.. When more information comes out I will look into it but I can't see me enjoying it.If he did he wouldve remembered that he posted about it before... or remembered the game itself.
Same here. Im a fan of action RPGs but this looks more like a mindless buttonmasher.
Just watched the trailer, looks like there's a lot of mindless hack and slash involved, mmm i don't know about this one...
Ugh don't bother with Enchanted Arms, that games is bad on both consoles.Still cathing up on the 360. I have Infinite Undisovery, Blue Dragon, and Enchanted Arms in my collection waiting to be played. Just started Magna Carta 2.
Pretty sure this was posted before. As well, it's made by Koei. Yuck :PsiLVURcross
Speaking of RPGs, you beat Oath in Felghana?
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]Pretty sure this was posted before. As well, it's made by Koei. Yuck :PShirokishi_
Speaking of RPGs, you beat Oath in Felghana?
Nope, I stopped early on to finish some handheld games like Spirit Tracks, will get back to it once I start school again :)The game is strangely hard, or that might be just me. :P
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