The Xbox maverick is what ms wanted the Xbox one to be.
The Xbox maverick is what ms wanted the Xbox one to be.
Probably should of been to be fair. It's not like the sales number would of been worse so far.
It might actually shift a few system if priced well enough I would probably pick one up if I didn't already own one.
If this Xbox is $99 it's likely gonna sell a shit ton. Although I imagine its gonna start at $149. If its $199 then yeah I imagine it will flop faster than PSP Go.
This makes Sony look smarter by leaving out the 4k Blu-ray player. MS must've realized that it's not as big of a selling point as originally thought. I also can't imagine it being more than $50 cheaper than the regular S model.
I remember when people were literally fighting about physical movie media in a video game console in 2016. I told people it wouldn't take long for that bubble to burst.
Just another option for those who want it, nothing wrong with that. As for me I’ll go for the option that supports physical media including a 4K movie player and I’m glad that Microsoft provides that.
The Xbox maverick is what ms wanted the Xbox one to be.
Very true. I guess they haven't learned from the first go around of mistakes they've made. No thanks MS.
Disclaimer: I have nothing against poor people and NOT all poor people are dumb. I am a poor person myself. I am mainly referring to casuals obsessed with fortnite and stuff lol....
This makes no sense.
Poor people will be able to afford the console now...but won’t be able to buy any games for it.
Seriously, you guys underestimate how dumb poor people are. You know the people who wait until the gen is over to buy a console.
The poor don’t have credit cards or understand how to download stuff. This thing is going to flop when poor people bring it home and can’t figure out how to stick the disc in it LOL
Just watch.
@hrt_rulz01: If this takes off, the Scarlett will be all digital. It's not about options. MS is testing the waters to see if this is what people want. For your sake and anyone who likes physical media, you better hope it isn't (what people want).
I was very much against all digital. But I have bought precisely one physical game (the Witcher 3) this gen lol. If next gen PS is not backwards compatible I will feel stupid.
Anyway I think it's fine to offer as a complement to the other versions. I expect there to be a no-disc version of XboxTwo as well. It's obviously superb for MS to tie the console to their own store. So they will be able to subsidize it waaay more than just the cost of the disc-reader.
@joshrmeyer: It's way too soon for all-digital. Most people will still want the option of a disc drive.
Dipshits who traded in a disc they own for a digital voucher that is completely intangible non-property.
I'm sure your easily damaged chunks of plastic will retain value through continued use.
Dipshits who traded in a disc they own for a digital voucher that is completely intangible non-property.
I'm sure your easily damaged chunks of plastic will retain value through continued use.
I've got SegaCD games that work fine.
Xbox One SAD Edition...
The Xbox marketing team should find a different line of work
oh my gawd, this is gonna really take off I think.
PSP GO into the trash, you've got a new friend.
@hrt_rulz01: If this takes off, the Scarlett will be all digital. It's not about options. MS is testing the waters to see if this is what people want. For your sake and anyone who likes physical media, you better hope it isn't (what people want).
Nope, this is merely a test to see if they are gonna release a discless version of it as well at launch or wait until a year or two down the road. This could allow them to undercut sony on price at launch without sacrificing power. There is NO way they will go all digital across the entire ecosystem 20 months from now.
Might not jump on this but when next gen consoles come i'll def be going all digital. Will Take advantage of trading in my physical games for the digital codes, i pretty much refuse to play any of my physical games cause i dont want to get up and/or kids hiding the cases and switching discs and going through every case.
It's a year too late if they bundled this with fortnite and live this time last year at a competitive price it may have done some decent numbers.
It’s a different time then when the PSP Go came or even when the Xbox One was first announce. Also when the Xbox One was announce it wasn’t brought forth as optional. You best believe that the other console manufacturers and publishers all would love to see a digital only and game streaming future.
Why waste this on the S. Its starting to become outdated with recent games. They should at least do the same for X to bring the price down.
Because it's going to be a new idea to try out, and its easier to market it as a budget console, and there is less of an investment in inventory if it doesn't take off very well. Think of it as dipping their toe in the water before diving in.
Why waste this on the S. Its starting to become outdated with recent games. They should at least do the same for X to bring the price down.
Because it's going to be a new idea to try out, and its easier to market it as a budget console, and there is less of an investment in inventory if it doesn't take off very well. Think of it as dipping their toe in the water before diving in.
That does make sense. Hopefully they will do this for the X.
People who think physical gives you some sort of safety are stuck in a different age.
Yes you can play a NES game the same it was upon release now like you did in 1985...but it ain’t like that no more.
You think these consoles are gonna work without an internet connection?
If that...
Are you going to play God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn with no game plus bc it was added later through an update?
If that....
Are you going to play Fallout 76 with no patches at all?
Some people really need to wake up.
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