[QUOTE="naydaslayer"]LOL who cares about awards when games are all about teh sales?AlexSaysWho said anything about sales?
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[QUOTE="naydaslayer"]LOL who cares about awards when games are all about teh sales?AlexSaysWho said anything about sales?
Seems pretty good, was alittle surprised at Left 4 Dead winning shooter, but from the demo that game is pretty fun, can't wait till I get if for Christmas.
Lemmings these days pathetic.Just becasue 360 doesnt have a single worthy exclusive in 2008 doesnt mean that you have a cry a river.It happens take it easy.:(
Doesn't have a single worthy exclusive in 2008? What are Gears 2, Tales of Vespira, Fable 2, Culdcept SAGA, Viva Pinata 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts then, they all scored above a 8, and I don't see them on the PS3 or any other system.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Braid is a better platformer. Its platforming mechanics are much more polished than those in LBP.naydaslayer
Braid looks like Mario where you can reverse time and has classical music going on in the background.
and that just owns! I can understand Braid being a better paltformer... But as a whole game LBP is just better IMOBraid is a better platformer. Its platforming mechanics are much more polished than those in LBP.BioShockOwnz
Braid looks like Mario where you can reverse time and has classical music going on in the background.
and that just owns! I can understand Braid being a better paltformer... But as a whole game LBP is just better IMO I agree completely I think Braid prolly has better platforming then LBP but LBP has the complete package.[QUOTE="naydaslayer"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Braid is a better platformer. Its platforming mechanics are much more polished than those in LBP.Giancar
Braid looks like Mario where you can reverse time and has classical music going on in the background.
and that just owns! I can understand Braid being a better paltformer... But as a whole game LBP is just better IMOStory = Braid
Platform mechanics = Braid
Artstyle = Equal. Braid is freaking beautiful and I love the DIY style of LBP.
Everything else = LBP
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]MGS4 GOTY confirmed?Cherokee_JackPretty much.
It definitely has the most momentum. At this point I think it would be silly if it didn't win it all. Also I didn't count, but did MGS4 had the most nominations this year?
Pretty much.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]MGS4 GOTY confirmed?one_on_one
It definitely has the most momentum. At this point I think it would be silly if it didn't win it all. Also I didn't count, but did MGS4 had the most nominations this year?
Well it beat out GTA IV for best action adventure so it would be kind of silly to give GTA IV GOTY when you said MGS4 was a better game. I think you are right about the nominations.Well it beat out GTA IV for best action adventure so it would be kind of silly to give GTA IV GOTY when you said MGS4 was a better game.II-FBIsniper-IIThey could always pull some doublespeak about how it was the best action-adventure, but not the best game overall. I doubt they'll want to challenge public opinion any more than they already have, though.
Right now it is.:lol:[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]Braid isnt exclusive..Thinker_reborn
It doesnt matter,it's announed for the PC and thus it is NOT exclusive.:|
Lemmings these days pathetic.Just becasue 360 doesnt have a single worthy exclusive in 2008 doesnt mean that you have a cry a river.It happens take it easy.:(
I think Braid is coming out under Games for Windows, which is basically Microsoft's attempt to have complete domination of the PC gaming market. Not that I like it, I actually prefer Value's Steam program.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Braid is a better platformer. Its platforming mechanics are much more polished than those in LBP.naydaslayer
Braid looks like Mario where you can reverse time and has classical music going on in the background.
You haven't seen the ending sequence, have you? And not to mention, the time mechanic changes with every world. For example, there's a stage where if you go left, time rewinds, and if you go right, time goes on, and there's another level where time actually naturally goes backward, and you have to press a button for time to go forward. It's really something you have to play to even get the slighest idea of why it's gotten so much praise.I can no longer take these game of the year lists seriously for one simple reason, and it's PURE logic.
Both Gears 2 and Resistance 2 got 9.0s from Gamespot themselves.
Left 4 Dead got an 8.5.
That right there, by Gamespot's own logic, means Left 4 Dead was not as good as Gears 2 or Resistance 2. Either that or the simple fact is Gamespot is saying their reviews no longer mean anything when an inferior game, by review, can win over two superior games.
BTW, I bet Braid wins game of the year. I have a bad feeling it's going to. I think Gamespot is going to do it for shock factor. They seem to be madlyin love with that game for some reason.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]Well it beat out GTA IV for best action adventure so it would be kind of silly to give GTA IV GOTY when you said MGS4 was a better game.Cherokee_JackThey could always pull some doublespeak about how it was the best action-adventure, but not the best game overall. I doubt they'll want to challenge public opinion any more than they already have, though. In other words, pull an X-Play. :P
World of Goo is better than Layton. Not saying Layton is bad, but it's definitely not up there with World of Goo.nintendofreak_2Was World of Goo really that good? I played the PC version and it seemed pretty simplistic and frustrating.
Nintendo has 2. Layton and Brawl.I see 2 Microsoft exclusives in that list (Left 4 Dead, Braid), 1 Nintendo exclusive (SSBB), and only 1 Sony exclusive (MGS4) (exclusive as of 2008 that is).
Winner= Microsoft (as usual)
so where are the brawl haters now? :lol:ShinobishyguyThey don't really have any games to put above Brawl. Nobody really cares about Soulcalibur or Mortal Kombat, do they?
Was World of Goo really that good? I played the PC version and it seemed pretty simplistic and frustrating.Cherokee_JackI thought so. I don't know how well it plays on the PC, but the Wiiware version is fantastic.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Was World of Goo really that good? I played the PC version and it seemed pretty simplistic and frustrating.nintendofreak_2I thought so. I don't know how well it plays on the PC, but the Wiiware version is fantastic. I guess I'll have to check it out.
so where are the brawl haters now? :lol:ShinobishyguyThey're busy trying to deny that the fighting game genre died this gen, though SSBB did deserve the title, it really had no competition for it as well.
[QUOTE="Mario2007"]The only game that has a chance to beat MGS4 now is, Fallout 3. supercubedude64GTA 4? They already said it wasn't as good as MGS.
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]so where are the brawl haters now? :lol:ShinobishyguyBrawl sucks. :lol: cry some moreEven though I'm sure SSBB was good, did you really think SC4 and MK vs. DC had a chance to even beat SSBB?
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="siLVURcross"] Brawl sucks.ChrisSpartan117:lol: cry some moreEven though I'm sure SSBB was good, did you really think SC4 and MK vs. DC had a chance to even beat SSBB? from what I heard that Street fighter remake was really good.
And considering how a downlable title like Braid won so many awards...I wouldn't put it past GS to choose SF remake
[QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"] :lol: cry some moreShinobishyguyEven though I'm sure SSBB was good, did you really think SC4 and MK vs. DC had a chance to even beat SSBB? from what I heard that Street fighter remake was really good.I've heard about that, and it's obvious GS thinks SSBB>SF2HDR, because I thought they would never use a DLC game for the categories, until I saw Braid in their honors.
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]Even though I'm sure SSBB was good, did you really think SC4 and MK vs. DC had a chance to even beat SSBB? ChrisSpartan117from what I heard that Street fighter remake was really good.I've heard about that, and it's obvious GS thinks SSBB>SF2HDR, because I thought they would never use a DLC game for the categories, until I saw Braid in their honors.yeah seriously...I don't know what to expect from GS's GOTY's anymore.
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]Even though I'm sure SSBB was good, did you really think SC4 and MK vs. DC had a chance to even beat SSBB? ChrisSpartan117from what I heard that Street fighter remake was really good.I've heard about that, and it's obvious GS thinks SSBB>SF2HDR, because I thought they would never use a DLC game for the categories, until I saw Braid in their honors. They've given Best Fighter to downloads before. Ultimate MK3 won a year or two ago, a powerful sign that fighting games are dying.
[QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"] from what I heard that Street fighter remake was really good.supercubedude64I've heard about that, and it's obvious GS thinks SSBB>SF2HDR, because I thought they would never use a DLC game for the categories, until I saw Braid in their honors. They've given Best Fighter to downloads before. Ultimate MK3 won a year or two ago, a powerful sign that fighting games are dying.Dying? There's only three fighting franchises that are even alive right now, and they are VF, Street Fighter, and....oh yes, Tekken, and even Tekken is dying with T6's delays.
[QUOTE="supercubedude64"][QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]I've heard about that, and it's obvious GS thinks SSBB>SF2HDR, because I thought they would never use a DLC game for the categories, until I saw Braid in their honors.ChrisSpartan117They've given Best Fighter to downloads before. Ultimate MK3 won a year or two ago, a powerful sign that fighting games are dying.Dying? There's only three fighting franchises that are even alive right now, and they are VF, Street Fighter, and....oh yes, Tekken, and even Tekken is dying with T6's delays. Hmm.... I guess it could be better said that the genre is a zombie. It's dead, but that isn't going to stop it.
The only game that has a chance to beat MGS4 now is, Fallout 3. Mario2007
I agree, Fallout 3 didn't go head to head with MSG4 in any of the previous awards, unlike GTA4.
And if Gamespot want to pull a surprise, but not too surprising that it might anger the fans, Fallout 3 seems like a safe choice.
But MSG4 still has the biggest chance.
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]so where are the brawl haters now? :lol:ShinobishyguyBrawl sucks. :lol: cry some more Cry about what? It sucks. The fact there's hardly any fighters to put up a decent fight against Brawl, it's a no brainer it'd win. Despite this, I still think it sucks and terrible compared to Melee.
I can no longer take these game of the year lists seriously for one simple reason, and it's PURE logic.
Both Gears 2 and Resistance 2 got 9.0s from Gamespot themselves.
Left 4 Dead got an 8.5.
That right there, by Gamespot's own logic, means Left 4 Dead was not as good as Gears 2 or Resistance 2. Either that or the simple fact is Gamespot is saying their reviews no longer mean anything when an inferior game, by review, can win over two superior games.
BTW, I bet Braid wins game of the year. I have a bad feeling it's going to. I think Gamespot is going to do it for shock factor. They seem to be madlyin love with that game for some reason.
The thing is, that when it comes to making reviews it just one person. For GOTY awards many of the GS employee work together to decide which game should win a award. For best shooters, a lot of them probably thought L4D was the best.
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