Well most people don't even know what they want, they just want the shiny stuff that looks cool (see Apple). I'm just saying that if Sony gives them a working cool experience for a relatively cheap price people are going to go for it. Sony learned from the PS3, people like cheap stuff that works relatively well.
Techie consumers know exactly what they want, especially if they are into high-end equipment. They do the research into the products and pick the best one for the application they want.
The type of consumer you are talking about is the general consumer. The general consumer couldn't give two shits about VR or 4K. They want to watch Netflix and play Call of Duty and FIFA. The regular PS4 or XBO will do this for them, and they'll gravitate towards whichever one is cheapest, and whichever one most of their friends have bought.
And I find it funny you talk about how Sony "learned what people like" with the PS3, yet, the PS2, which was a console with significantly more high quality exclusive and third party software, a lower price point, no technological advantage whatsoever (it was half as powerful as the Xbox) and some very severe reliability problems early in it's life, was able to beat out the PS3's lifetime sales record by a very solid 75 million units (155m for the PS2, 80m for the PS3 IIRC), which was about as much as the PS3 sold.
The market since then has changed drastically. PC gaming has been on the rise in that time, people are starting to realize you don't need a $2500 desktop to play Hearthstone, and building it yourself or paying someone to put parts you order together isn't as big a hassle. They realize there is more game variety and options on the PC, and you don't even need to have a gaming PC to game on PC (prebuilts, laptops, tablets, etc).
This new PS4 Pro, if under-powered compared to the Scorpio, and if Sony mishandles the marketing and confuses consumers into thinking they don't NEED to buy one, then they definitely won't (look at how the Wii U turned out when consumers thought it was literally a tablet controller for the Wii). They are going to go for the $300 PS4 because they haven't bought a 4K TV yet and won't need that ability if in the next 3 years, another PS4 comes out.
This could go VERY badly for Sony, and the way in which they are handling it so far, I'm starting to think it's just going to get worse. They fumbled hard this time and need to recover if they want to hold onto their lead.
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