I havent looked much into this game because i want to be suprised when i get it however i do have one question for those that have the game.
Where does the level of boobage rank in this game?
5 - meh (Virtua Fighter 5)
4 - There but still kind of meh (Tekken )
3 - About right (Street Fighter IV)
2 - oh snap!, those are big (Dead or Alive 4)
1 - Bonkers (Soul Calibur IV)
Thats not too bad, probably between DOA4 and SFIV. Dont get me wrong, i love mammaries as much as the next guy but when it gets ridculous *looks at SCIV* it just makes the whole game ugly to me. SC hasgood gameplay, they all ready had the guest characters to sell but i still dont get why they needed to overly bust the overly bust women already. Do you think it really made that much difference in sales?
Sadly, boobs, along with blood, have a tendency to increase sells of an overall mediocore product. Take Rumble Roses for example. If that game hadn't objectfied women, do you honestly they would have made enough money for the 360 sequel, RR XX? If MadWorld wasn't gory, would people have ignored the shallow gameplay? Games like SC4, DOA4, and pretty much any game with boobs is aiming to....appeal to players.(get the hint). If you saw more of the artwork for BB, you'd see that even the other less....umm...top heavy women in the game are also being exploited. It's also worth noting that some pics in BB's gallery mode make Noel look twice as.....ehhhh....big than she is in the actual game. BB may not seem like it's exploiting women but, it is and don't be surprised if people rush to buy the Limited Edition version for the "art-work" that comes with it.
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