Mods: This isn't a normal Gears of War thread. The focus is not on Gears, just using it as an example.
"But during that thoroughly rewarding quality time with my sofa, I've noticed something that you really need to be aware of. The difficulty levels in Gears of War 3 are not what you'll expect of the series. They're not what you'll expect at all.
In short, the new Hardcore is roughly the equivalent of the Normal setting of Gears 1 and 2. And Normal? Well let's just say that your squad AI is now so good, and the enemy AI so weak and stupid, that I managed to get through nearly all of Act 2 without firing a shot outside of full-scale boss fights and the odd compulsory set-piece. Standard nuts-and-bolts warfare? The game didn't even need me there. Actually, let's not just say that. Let's watch that in this video I've made."
Huge Gears of War fan here and I'm sad that this game has become like many others and has been created to be dumb-proof. I thought Gears of War and Gears of War 2's Hardcore mode was super easy and wished they up it up a bit. Insane mode was also easy, and wished that became harder. BUT No, another dumbed down game and lets drop the diffculties of everything and make them standard.
Why are developers doing this? Making games easier and easier with each title. {Note: It is fine if they want to make it easier on the easiest settings, but why ditch your hardcore group??}.
Is it a self-esteem issue? Make gamers believe they are good but upping the diffculty title but actually going reverse in actual diffculty?
Thoughts System Wars?
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