in B4 free to play yadda yadda buthurt from lems and herms,
not much else they can say the QQing and buyers remorse is real.
EDIT: too late that knee jerk damage control is already raging at full blast in here lol. bu but F2P still looking better than anything on your preferred platform haha. keep it up guys.
Hey where ya gamez at?
LMFAO. Deep Down is seriously this much of a big deal to you? The PS4 must literally have no worthwhile games other than Resogun.
Yeah Deep Down looks great to "me". Talking about what is worthwhile in "your opinion" doesn't mean shit here.
Don't be a moron to jealous because of your fanboyism. The PS4 library has loads of great games coming out I just keep taps on this one because it looks impressive to me but it gets over looked because of haters like you who bash with not good arguments to discredit it.
You are just showing your insecurity by trying to downplay the PS4 library because of a good looking game that is NOT on your preferred system. Tell me what games are you looking forward to on your main system? It must be shit since all you can do is come and criticize games people are looking forward to on other systems.
You haven't played the game so all we can go off of is the video and it looks freaking great in animation, framerate, graphics and combat, I also personally love the setting so what exactly are you hating? Yeah, you got nothing. Again what the hell exclusive are you looking forward to, Halo, Gears? GTFO.
I had a nice chuckle reading the second sentence and then the rest of your post.
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