- Game and app saves and updates. A game save progress barwill show you the status of your game saves. You will also be able to easily tell what games and apps are being updated or have been updated recently.
- Friends improvements. Notifications will be added to see when favorites and friends sign in to Xbox Live. This actually was one of the most frequently requested features from the first preview wave and we made it a priority to include it in the April update. Also, friends who are in multiplayer will be identified in the friends list. We’ll also add the ability to view friends’ most popular apps.
- Kinect voice and motion improvements will continue to fine tune the quality and reliability of Xbox One commands.
- Improved GameDVR video quality through compression algorithm improvements.
- Friends improvements. Notifications will be added to see when favorites and friends sign in to Xbox Live. This actually was one of the most frequently requested features from the first preview wave and we made it a priority to include it in the April update. Also, friends who are in multiplayer will be identified in the friends list. We'll also add the ability to view friends' most popular apps.
- Blu-ray 50 Hz video output support for content recorded at 50 Hz will resolve video playback issues some Xbox Live members in Europe are experiencing.
- Kinect voice and motion improvements will continue to fine tune the quality and reliability of Xbox One commands.
- Improved Game DVR video quality through compression algorithm improvements.
- Updates to Xbox One device management to address issues controlling TVs, set top boxes, and receivers that our customers have reported.
- New audio settings to tune how much volume is lowered when Kinect is used in communications
what's that now...4 XB1 updates in comparison to the ps4's 2 mandatory updates, as well as some optional ones. none of which added too much to the console besides the initial mandatory update to activate the ps4 fully. MS seems to be consistently improving their console while Sony seems to have just taken their consumer's money and went on vacation. i mean their console doesnt even have a youtube app yet. still no real way to play ur own media besides their paid services, smh. with last gen with Xbox Live and get what you paid for i guess. and that one hundred dollar price difference seems to be showing MS's favor. i wonder what you guys think though...?
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