Dragon Age 1 and 2 both Ultimate Editions
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Jade Empire Special Edition
Jolly good nostalgic games, feels great to be back in the mediaval age of quests. Started fresh with new characters.
Dragon Age 1 and 2 both Ultimate Editions
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Jade Empire Special Edition
Jolly good nostalgic games, feels great to be back in the mediaval age of quests. Started fresh with new characters.
Deus Ex for like the 200th time. It has a permanent home on my hard drive.
Also, not sure if it's "old" as it came out in 2015, but Kerbal Space Program.
Yes. Two underrated games actually: Alpha Protocol & The Saboteur.
Oh man both those games are incredible.
Alpha Protocol is like James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Die Hard all wrapped up into an action-RPG game a la Mass Effect. But with that awesome Obsidian touch.
And The Saboteur was a fun open-world romp in Nazi-held Paris. Loved the art direction and detail in that game. Classic.
I keep getting urge to play through the Mass Effect re-release but know it'll suck up a considerable amount of time.
Dip into classic Doom from time to time. The XBLA version just feels right something so off about the Unity build one.
Just got done with replaying F.E.A.R 2/3. I really like 2 more than 3 and that's saying much. Now, I'm replaying Watch Dogs 2 mainly celebrating Watch Dogs 10th anniversary and no one cares.
Still enjoy playing Halo MCC and Skyrim for all time's sake.
Was playing the newly built Randy Prickford chapter for Duke3D and it was the worst one ever played and left a bitter taste.
Ruined me weekend.
Halo MCC. Playing original and its Enemy AI is FEAR like, very intelligent. Level designs are copy paste.
I'm the owner of a gameshop with around 3,500 games there and more coming in and a lot of them are old, so I'm playing them all the time.
Been playing the first two Zelda games on NES found them in great condition and replaced the batteries in them to keep those saves going. I recently started up Gauntlet on the NES as well.
A copy of Vectorman for the Genesis came in and I loved that, so ofc I took that home and I'm playing it.
Looking to maybe start some horror games or something on the PS1/PS2 or Xbox in the future.
I got Fatal Frame/Silent Hill and recently acquired Parasite Eve I and II.
Was playing the newly built Randy Prickford chapter for Duke3D and it was the worst one ever played and left a bitter taste.
Ruined me weekend.
I bet the new chapter is very greasy as well right?
You had to find a USB left in a restaurant, felt nothing like Duke3d.
couple of new games that i just got recently that I'm playing a little bit
FInal Fantasy IV Pixel and Castlevania Requiem I bought digitally from the PSN store for my Playstation 4
Red Dead Remption II for Playstation 4 that I just bought off of Walmart online yesterday and it arrived earlier today
@ghostofgolden: "I’ve been playing THPS on Steam Deck. Those Tony Hawk gamers were something special"
They have THPS 1-3 on the steam store?
There’s the THPS 1-2 remake on Steam. And then there’s… other ways to play all the others
I beat Castlevania Bloodlines and Super Castlevania IV recently and have been playing the Contra Collection, too.
Quake 2, CS 1.6, Halo CE.
But I have also recently just completed Half Life... Thé millionth Time or so. Doesn't get old.
I wonder how many Zelda players didn't know how to get to the third maiden temple. I hate this part. Have had the game on hold here for months and months and months, because can't access northwest in dark world and get bored looking. Someone told me to use the hookshot. Couldn't find where to use it.
I've been replaying The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time lately. It's still just as amazing as I remember! What about you?
I wonder how many Zelda players didn't know how to get to the third maiden temple. I hate this part. Have had the game on hold here for months and months and months, because can't access northwest in dark world and get bored looking. Someone told me to use the hookshot. Couldn't find where to use it.
You have two options:
1. Start at Dark World pyramid. Go right one screen. Go up one screen. Walk up and look left. There is a small gap with rocks on the other side. You can hookshot to those rocks.
2. Star in Light World. Go to Kakariko village (far left side of map). Furthest point northwest go up one screen towards the woods. Quick right and go right one screen. Go down and you'll see hammer pegs. Hammer these, lift the rock, and you uncover a teleport to the dark world.
I'm wrapping up 100%ing RE4Remake, but once I'm done that I'm starting a new game in Knights of the Old Republic.
@ghostofgolden: "I’ve been playing THPS on Steam Deck. Those Tony Hawk gamers were something special"
They have THPS 1-3 on the steam store?
There’s the THPS 1-2 remake on Steam. And then there’s… other ways to play all the others
Oh gotcha 😉
@PSP107: You play games through streaming, eew 🤮🤮🤮
It's part of my premium subscription so I tried it.
@indy_2024: Just finished Super Metroid on snes, and plan to dive into either super castlevania, or possibly legend of zelda, link to the past.
@indy_2024: Just finished Super Metroid on snes, and plan to dive into either super castlevania, or possibly legend of zelda, link to the past.
Nice. Enjoy those great games man :)
Been playing the Rocket Knight Adventures Resparked collection which is a recent rerelease of the older games. Absolutely loved Sparkster on the SNES and it’s still just as enjoyable today.
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