I swear you post these comments just to contradict yourself as much as possible or put down your opinions as fact! :P
I have not had hands on time with either controller yet, but from what I have seen and read, it seems that gamers should be pretty happy with either controller.Â
Its not, the DS4 controller is bigger than the X1 controller ... which is smaller than the 360 controller ... which is funny because cows have spent the entire generation saying Xbox controllers were too big and that the DS3 was the perfect size lmao
Damn that thing is wide.
Also, just look at the face buttons. No need to say any more LOL
Rumble is a gimmick? No its proven. Its used it pretty much every game. How many games use the sixaxis? :lol: lets just see how many use that ridiculous touchpad
I edited my post as I realised that yes the DS4 is bigger than the X1 controller BUT the grips are still the same size as the X1 controller. Also I'm pretty certain it was mainly the lems complaining the entire gen that the Dualshock 3 was way too small, so now it has been increased a little suddenly it's too big? You fanboys make no sense (across all fanboy groups mind, not meaning just lems)
If anything, I would say the X1 face buttons look cheap, hopefully they won't be like the X360 controllers, where the face buttons all had a horrible cheap clicky feel to the buttons, at least on the earlier controllers.
Right, so extra rumble in triggers is not a gimmick, yet a touch pad is? BOTH are pretty gimmicky and uneeded in my opinion.
And? Its still bigger. And no, I think the DS4 looks a great size now (and its heaver and not as flimsy as the DS3 which is great) but it was definitely definitely cows complaining the Xbox controller was too big, don't even attempt to deny it. Ive lost count of how many cows defended the DS3 saying it was the perfect size for their hands :lol: So now its bigger, and they've been owned #dealwithit
lolno, just look at that dialshock plastic. looks like something you'd expect on a cheap chinese knockoff.
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