Dude I totally feel you. Now I'd rather say PSV "struggling" instead of "failing", but I get what your saying. And I def feel you.
The PSV looks like it'd be so much more attractive to people with 360's and PS3's. It looks amazing to me, and other people I know who have either a 360 or PS3. On paper it seems like everything you could possibly want in a handheld.
Then I go online and its getting completely shi**ed on everywhere. And I'm not dissing the 3DS at all. I plan to get one when Kingdom Hearts comes out, but the PSV looks so much better than it to me. Like a lot better. I hope tosee them both succeed and prove all the naysayers wrong.
Here's where I'm at with Vita--I REALLY want to buy one, but I'm worried that support will be dropped. I know that seems extreme, but I don't think it is outside the realm of reality. I almost want to buy one just to support the games industry. Silly, right? However, the way things are heading I think we are close to this: "Hey, you guys remember how cool dedicated gaming handhelds were?" ... "Yeah, it's too bad they don't make em anymore."
3DS' sales and games are worthy (to say the least) for the system to be called successor to DS.
The only anomaly in the dedicated handheld business was the PSP, it succeeded in Japan, but really DS' library obliterated it from a gamer's perspective and it's not like PSP/Vita games are lost forever. Sony's handheld teams will just shift to PS4, whether it's retail or PSN games, and the other publishers will keep releasing whatever PSP had on 3DS instead of Vita.
You could argue that competition is good and it leads to better hardware etc. etc. but the games will still be made, but on 3DS instead.
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