I don't think this whole pre-digital thing affects anyone but PC gamers. @beardmad mentioned above PC games had the best boxes and he absolutely is not wrong. You didn't just get a PC game you got a huge box with elaborate artwork, an extensive manual and leaflets telling you this and that (which nobody read, but still...).
PC gamers absolutely have lost out by going all digital. You don't own the games anymore they are just meaningless digital code out there in the void that cost the publishers literally nothing to duplicate yet they take you for as much as they can get for this digital nothingness that costs them not one cent to deliver.
Console gaming, love it or hate it is the last stand, the final bastion against paying for invisible entertainment that you may as well be renting at zero cost to the providers. Big Brother, hello. Just pray the whole thing doesn't somehow end up in the hands of Microsoft. That really would be the end of videogames as entertainment as we currently know it.
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