As far as I know the only Xinput controllers I am aware of for PC is The Logitech F#10 series and Xbox 360 controllers. They need to have rechargeable Wireless controllers. Before you say just get rechargeable batteries I'm going to tell you what will you do when your in the middle of a game and your controllers batteries are near death. You just gonna pause the game and sit their waiting for batteries to recharge or just simply hook it to your PC our power outlet nearby and continue gaming.
I feel that logitech should make a new set of Xinput controllers. The back triggers on my F310 feel a little clunky/stiff. The should also loosen up the analog sticks a bit to make it better for aiming. I haven't tried any fighting games yet to see if the floating D-pad is crap.
What other types of new standard controllers do you think there should be for PC.
Razer should also make a X360 controller with built in rechargeable batteries. Then again I hear their controllers break easily :P
They should also put in a mouse/keyboard mode so that when you switch out a game you don't have to switch back to mouse in keyboard to select another, browse internet, alt tab out of games, be able to do stuff like click on ventrillo. This should be easy to implement since windows has a virtual keyboard.
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