Mmm... I hate that. Hard games are fine, it's only when the game is actually UNFAIR that it should be penalized. Eg glitches, ridiculous AI, dodgy camera stopping you from beating your enemies etc. I personally find that if a game is supposed to be hard, i'm MORE inclined to buy it. (Ninja Gaiden: Black on hard mode was just plain awesome!)
One big question, why was Uncharted penalised for being supposedly hard? It's utter cake-walk compared to the likes of DMC3 and Metal Arms... (Both of which rock)
yeah they penalised uncharted for being too hard. thats the biggest load of crap ive ever heard, you dont punish a game for having good AI. this wasnt unfair or overly tough AI (i.e. they take too much health off you) they actually had good ai that they dont peek out unnecessarily from cover (when your crosshair is aimed right next to their cover) and try to flank you.
you compared it to games like dmc and ninja gaiden, the games difficulty is fine. whats more ninja gaiden can get you killed because of the ridiculous camera.
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