I feel the opposite and I own all the consoles, handhelds, and some gaming PCs which I LAN.
I think Sony is trying and I think Gamescom revealed that. I certainly can vouch on the $50 PS+ (Playstation Plus) vs. $60 GwG (Games with Gold) front. As an owner of both new machines, I see the exact opposite. I think Xbox execs aren't trying hard enough. A deal like Tomb Raider doesn't effect me because that game was coming to Xbox 360 and Xbone anyways. Now the other versions PC, PS3, PS4 have been shelved, but as an Xbone owner that announcement did nothing for me. I'm not a TR fan, I got the last game free, but if I was the game was coming regardless. I would much rather Xbox execs invest in new IPs and new games instead of having multiplats shelved into timed exclusives. That doesn't register with me as "trying". To each their own as I have more to say.
If we look at games on both platforms, look at both side by side from November launch till now...literally the PS4 has more games than Xbone. That's just pure numbers. Again, if you are talking about who's trying, I see one company with a platform the same age as the other company getting more games to consumers in a short span of time. I'll move on...
The Wii U is the best right now to me, but that said, the Wii U had an Extra year (launch 2012) to get more games out and I'm still riding on the highs of 2013. I owned a Wii U since launch and that first year wasn't pretty at first, but it picked up at the tale end and I was so happy. We haven't gotten to that point yet as the PS4/Xbone aren't even a year old yet. I haven't bought one Wii U game this year but I plan on getting 2014's SSB. If I was into racers, Mario Kart 8 would have been cool 2014 game to pick up though.
It terms of being played, I play the Wii U>>PS4>>>Xbone.
That said, my PC and PS3 are getting WAY MORE PLAYTIME over any of the above three. To a lesser extent, my 360 and Wii as well. That's the beauty of a backlog. This always happens. The old machines start cranking out fantastic games and the new machines can't compete at first. Every generation this cycle continues. I went through this when the 360 was new, still finishing off Xbox, PS2, and GC games. I went through this when the PS2/Dreamcast were new, still playing N64 and PS1 games. Sega Genesis, SNES were being played when the PS1/Saturn and later N64 released. I played SNES classic ChronoTrigger in 1995, the launch year of the PS1/Saturn! I played the PS1 classic ChronoCross when the PS2 and Dreamcast were out.
I'm always surprised by gamers expecting more out of launch year consoles.
Regarding the PS4 and Xbone:
PS+ is $50 a year. Xbox Live Gold is $60 a year. The PS4 was $400 at launch. Xbone was $500. For whatever reason, the more expensive console with the more expensive service (Xbone and XBLG) didn't kick in their "free" GwG games until June. If you shop, you can find deals for these services and machines and games, but that's beside the point.
Since November launch, PS+ has kicked in 14 free PS+ games and my Xbone since launch has kicked in 5 free GwG games. Yes, that's right, the company that is supposedly trying harder, delivered less free games? I doubt the previous TC of this point was being legit, or at the very least he hasn't done his due diligence.
Let me put this another way:
14 free PS+ games >>>>> 5 free GwG games. That's me speaking as a launch owner of both.
Since June when Xbone started GwG (Games with Gold) finally, I got 5 free GwG games and in that same period PS4 got 7 free PS+ games.
That's coming as a launch owner of both machines that subscribes to both services.
If you go to Metacritic, there is also a higher quality titles being released on PS+ over GwG, but that's just a side point. One might also be inclined to mention the power difference between the two machines (PS4>>Xbone) gives a multiplat advantage to the PS4. That's whatever to me, but it's worth a sentence.
Another point is longevity. Sony is supporting their with 1st party titles on PS3 where the 360 and Wii did not. We saw the same on PS2 vs. the GC and Xbox. We also saw the same on PS1 vs. N64 and Sega Saturn. That's one advantage the PS4 has. Once Sony pulls their might off PS3 support which is starting to happen, those 1st party studios will crank out games for the PS4. It's tilted now as the PS4 is so young, but in a few years, you'll see the payoff. If history repeats again, which all indicators point too, the PS4 will get more 1st party support in the long-run over the Xbone and Wii U when the successors are releasing (WiiWii 2U, Xbox 180, PS5, etc). This is even better when we consider the PS4 is so easy to develop for and the sales are phenomenal that even 3rd party support should last a long, long time.
That definitely helps me turn on the PS4 more than my Xbone. The best thing recently was the amazing PS4 P.T. demo which is exclusive to the PS4 at this time. The P.T. teaser demo stealthily snuck it's way onto the PS4 during Gamescom. What a reveal! I won't explain how amazing the execution of the secret was revealed, but I recommend gamers that are able to take a peak at that hidden demo on the PS4 store if you like survival horror. It's also a very good looking game and I won't say more than that.
Have a good one.
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