Now defending MS for everything they claim they hated about PS4? No?
Well here is a refresher.
lets take a trip down the PS4 hate memory lane and enjoy how funny it is hearing these arguments in hindsight in 2019.
This is good for a laugh or to remind you of how un-credible the people who make these arguments really are.
@6:06 - 6:24 and @11:05 - 11:20 are absolutely golden "egg on the face" moments for these guys.
The first argument used against PS4 LITERALLY describe what Xbox One is now. The second argument, which was being used to try to describe Xbox One, ironically actually describes what Sony has provided to PS4 owners.
@11:13 "That's why I'm an xbox dude. MS has always given me the big AAA blockbusters that I want, that's why I'll continue to be an xbox dude!"
Man these guys sure did change their narrative to fit whatever the company they worship said they would give them. Geez!
How did they go from there to bashing AAA games like HZD, God of War and Spiderman while praising low budget free-to-play level shovelware trash like Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2?
LMAO, talk about a flip flop.
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