Let's face it, Wii U is all but guaranteed to be more powerful than the 360 and PS3. Nintendo themselves promised last E3 that the Wii U will be powerful. Plus, remember the tech demos at E3? I don't see any consoles games that can get anywhere near that Zelda demo in graphical quality. Plus, many developers such as Crytek have praised the Wii U's capabilities. Plus, the 720 is probably gonna be the next generation Wii. It will probably be pretty weak and aimed at casual gamers, even more so than the Wii was. PS4 might be different, but we really have no evidence of anything. Also, the is no named source that has said that the Wii U is weak. Only so called "anonymous sources" have been referenced when claims are made that the Wii U is weaker than current gen consoles. I think it is pretty safe to say that the Wii U will be a true next gen console. However, we should wait til E3 before making any guarantees.
First of all, nothing Nintendo has shown so far - NOTHING - has made me think that the Wii U will be more powerful than current gen. Sorry, but that Zelda tech demo (no actual evidence it was anything more than a video. Remember the video they showed for the GC Zelda which ended up being the cell shaded wind waker instead?) And it didn't look any better than God of War 3, UNcharted 2 or Gears of War or Mass Effect, etc. So I don't know what you are talking about with this "better than current gen" garbage. If it was more powerful than current gen then why are all the "big" games announced by third parties pretty much just ports?
Meanwhile, let's assume you are correct and the Wii U is more powerful than current gen. It means nothing if the Nintendo curse continues and third party devs mostly only povide a token, half-arsed effort. Or if all the games are kiddy garbage as usual. Hell, look at the Wii as the perfect example. Supposed to be more powerful than the GC and yet what did Nintendo do? PUt out games like Wii sports, Wii party, Wii music, etc which look worse than most N64 games even. And considering 90% of the tech demos they showed in the past were more "Mii" games and party-style games that will still cost $50 but look like something from 20 years ago, all the power in the world is pointless.
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