[QUOTE="Video_Game_King"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]Ugh Mario Galaxy was all flash, honestly, Mario 64 still crushed it, I dont care if it had better graphics, or worlds, it was too easy, no reason to repeat it, little to nothing on Mario 64.
Mass Effect is my GOTY.... Mario Galaxy doesnt touch it, and Twilight princess was a real let down , I actually now understand why so many dont use thier Wiis for anything more than party entertainment.
First off, Twilight Princess came out in 2006, more than a year ago. Second, you haven't played Super Mario Galaxy, have you? Its quite a lot of gameplay. 9.5 music, 9.5 gameplay, 9.5 graphics, 9.5 length, 9.5 everything.
First off, I know ... I was just pointing out the other " Killer App" ... secondly , erm yes I have, I got bored at 79 stars ... I saw no purpose in playing anymore and the interesting side of it died shortly after seeing the majority of the worlds and deafeating bowser the 3rd time ... why the hell would I want to play as luigi?
LEnght 9.5? dont make me laugh ... and graphics ... but I agree on the rest.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]Ugh Mario Galaxy was all flash, honestly, Mario 64 still crushed it, I dont care if it had better graphics, or worlds, it was too easy, no reason to repeat it, little to nothing on Mario 64.
Mass Effect is my GOTY.... Mario Galaxy doesnt touch it, and Twilight princess was a real let down , I actually now understand why so many dont use thier Wiis for anything more than party entertainment.
To you maybe, but dont act like its a bad game.
Definetly the best zelda.
Ocarina of Time is still the best zelda, even on release Twilight Princess was outdated, terriblly, poor music/sound , most boring start of the entire series, the waggle combat was appauling, though shooting was better. Some of the dungeons were decent and boss battles, but there was nothing "whoa about it" ... something that should of existed on Gamecube release.
TP was not outdated, music was much better than ocarina, all zeldas have boring starts and I liked the beg. of this zelda it was fun. The "waggle" made for a better experience than the GC version. The TP dungeons were all superior to the OOT ones. Also TP had MUCH better boss battles( debating this is futile). Fighting in the sky with a huge dragon was epic!
All in all its not a bad game and is better than OOT in every aspect. If OOT was given TP graphics and OOT and TP were put side by side on release TP would be the superior game by miles. Nostalgia is clouding your judgement of the superior game.
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