Let me start by saying, I've played every AAA game on the iPhone and Android, I have every emulator on my Android. Vita and 3DS are TRUE handheld video game systems but iPhone gaming is just ridiculous, true i've had some fun on some games but they are nothing worth changing gaming like Apple says. I can't count how many times I've heard iPhone fans talk about how awesome so and so game is and how it's the best game they ever played and then they frown upon traditional gaming.
iPhone is a threat to 3DS and Vita and according to Epic Games, the next PS4 and X720. Touchscreens can NEVER be exceptional for gaming, the controls are just not there, it just doesn't work. Not only that, but we get simple games on iPhones that go for $0.99 and Apple says $30-$50 handheld games are worthless when they can get the same amount of fun for $0.99.
Anyone who agrees with them is just holding their hand killing traditional gaming with a control pad.
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