Everybody has a mobile device nowaday, Ipod Touch, Iphone, or Android devices. But what will kill dedicated handheld gaming like the 3DS, is not because people prefer to play games on their Ipod or Iphone, rather it is because people rarely gaming on these devices. All they do are, browing the internet, listening to music, facebooking, or texting. So if people's times are spent on non-gaming related activities, Nintendo or Sony lose potential customers. For example, ever since my nephew got his Ipod Touch two years ago, he rarely ever touch his DS. It is not because he plays games alot on his Ipod Touch that he felt he didn't need a 3DS or a Vita, but rather it is because he's time is spent doing all these non-gaming related activities on his Ipod Touch. Hell, even I did exactly like he did. I only play games on my Ipod touch for like five minutes, and then the rest of the hours are spent listening to music and browsing the internet or watching videos. If Nintendo or Sony fail to turn the table around, there won't be any dedicated handheld gaming consoles in the very near future. Discuss.
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