I would never classify any game on a console, or any console only gamer as hardcore. I feel this way because first, the console primarily stands for a corporate dictated platform devoid of any free thought. Lets face it, other than snapping a new face-plate on your corporate controlled box, a console certainly doesn't lend itself to any personal user made "creation".
Conversely a PC allows people to either purchase a "custom" PC that they personally spec out or even more open ended, build their own. Either choice takes far more consideration and thought than purchasing any SKU of a console from a major market share driven corporation where most employees most likely have no clue about video gaming. Also PC gaming takes a bit more thought because it takes a little bit more $$ to have freedom of choice.
Secondly, gaming on a couch, where you must wear a bib to prevent drooling on yourself when you fall asleep because you are removed from the gaming enviroment, hardly conjures images of "hardcore". Lets face it, console gamers like to lie on the couch with a simplified input device and have the entertainment "delivered" to them. Gears of Bore proves this point: the gameplay is numb, mindless, and devoid of any thought provoction or intense immersion. Gears of Bore is considered hardcore by the truly faint of heart despite the reality of it being nothing more than a boring snore-fest gameplay wise.
Thirdly, for example, if a gamer has a good PC, buys Crysis, loves the open ended environments, decides that the possibilities of its open "sandbox" style gameplay salivates their creative concience, can simply open the editor, learn AI flowgraphs, learn and design levels, post these levels on websites and access other quality user created content for free while contributing to other gamers enjoyment, just for the sake of creating something, and so on.....and maybe is so good you get noticed by a developer, heh!................. Well....that is hardcore, consolites. This puts PC gaming leagues ahead of any wanna-be-harcore console gamer who thinks they are hardcore, but is really playing a lame game called Gears of Bore.
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