[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"] As of right now I think Portal is the only game this gen that will have that same "classic" status to which you are referring. There have been a lot of great games so far, but nothing that has left a lasting impression on melike Oni, Kingdom Under Fire, or Shadow of the Colossus did last gen. (I won't even touch any of the generations before that.) It's actually quite sad, but most games now-a-days are excellent, but entirely forgettable.
Thats a great way to put it.. many are forgettable...
And the ones that do have amazing Online play and DLC will be lost in time with only the single playing remaning
The Wii is not as effected by this as much as the ps3 or 360 due to its focus on the single player story... however the motion controlls could become very very dated and obsolete
I have high hopes for MGs4 but I have yet to play a truly classic game this generation
One big obstacle for the Wii to overcome is that a large chunk of it's most attractive games are continuations of a series. (i.e Mario, Zelda, Metriod so on so forth.) and while those games were fine and dandy in their own respect, each time you reiterate those characters and settings they lose a bit of their former charm. Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess were marvelous games and I enjoyed them thoroughly thanks in part to the addition of new concepts and, heaven forgive me, gimmicks. But at the core they are still the same game I've seen a dozen times before that that denies them the ever elusive "classic" status.
But Nintendo was never one to curl up and die and is fighting back with some great new I.P's(most of which I havn't played yet) and hopefully when we all look back on this generation in X number of years one of those new games will have struck gold and be remembered in that way.
I only recently started playing Metal Gear Solid games recently (The last few months). I also played them in reverse order which I think was a good mistake to make. The afore-mentioned curse of sequels didn't really apply because I played 2 before 1 so instead of reiterating the events of 1 I was shown all these crazy events that i had no idea about, and when I played 1 later it was like an awesome history lesson. It's weird but in a good way. But I digress. I see MGS 1, 2, and 3 as "classics" and I have high hopes for 4 as well.
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