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Yes, most are far more easy to get into today because the market is gigantic and devs need to cater to the consumers. There are exceptions of mind boggling hard games though. What i dislike is insultingly simplistic games, like heavily scripted cinematic garbage with pathetically simple dramatic stories (at least make them entertaining, Serious Sam had a horribly simple story, but funny as all hell). I usually don't have a problem with easy games though, it's all in good fun.
Correct Sir.Most the time, no, although there have definitely been some games that are a tad too easy. Saying Demons Souls is a "walk in the park" is just wrong.
I think many franchises have dumbed down and becomemore linear to appeal to casuals this making them easier.
I did that for infamous 2 and it was still too easyGo to options, select difficulty, put it on hard.
Yes, first time I played Megaman X when I was a kid, I had so much trouble. That is until I got the Leg Piece of the Armor which let me dash. Current games have become easier that is true..I've been playing Mega Man and Mega Man X as of late, so yeah, today's games are way too easy.
I agree with this, older games felt more cheap than difficultGames used to be difficult often because of bad design, not because the creators wanted a hard game. Better game design has created easier games to a degree, but most games now can be immediately turned to a higher difficulty.
Challenge is good, but not to the point of anger and frustration.
I think the best game to offer up a fair challenge is F-Zero GX.You actually had to have skill to beat missions on the harder difficulties.It's one of the most rewarding games I've played.
somewhat. there's always a higher difficulty setting. and people seem to forget that old games were usually difficult because they weren't intuitively designed or had less-than-adequate controls. games are "easier" today because they're better.
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