[QUOTE="Coyo7e"]It really is not paranoid. It happens all the time in SW. I have even called out trolls recently and they have said, in their very own thread, right there for everyone to read, "Ya I know, its sad isnt it" and people keep taking their bait. People who were in the one of his threads the day before when he got busted just jumped at the bait again.
You have even said something to the effect of that you are 19 and gaming may be starting to wear a little thin. Well, I doubt you will get totally bored of gaming, but making crazy statements, and going over board with doomsday talk about gaming is not something you will care about in five more years, I would wager.
Look SW can be fun. So can WoW. But the WoW community is the most toxic gaming, and gaming boards are filled with pure and utter trash.
I mean I think WoW casualized MMO's, but all for the bad. If you recall the fluff and needles complexity of EQ you know what I mean But that is as far as it goes. So, I feel doomed to see WoW clones for the next five years. But its still just a game. I don't go cry on the WoW forums about the death of the game. And I dont take it home with me.
Have fun in SW, but do not make the mistake of taking any of it serious.
Games would have changed and evolved no matter what. And a lot of hermits would have cryed no matter what. But most just roll with the punches and continue to enjoy games for what they are, games.
Pick any gaming board and you will find more then a fair share of total nonesense on it.
Yea the WOW thing was an example and Yes I am 19 and tiring of gaming. I said I only enjoy TWO genres right now. Two out of the entire lot. All I play at the moment is RTS and MMOS. Nothing else. Everything else I just lose interest in too quickly.. I guess this is why teh wii is good, it's got games that I would actually play for more than two weeks. Also you are proving my point with the highlighted. Because people don't say they like things doesn't mean they don't.
Check the edit.
But the hermit talk is BS, and the hermits that bust out their all high and mighty talk about hardcore, and casual this and casual that, are full of it.
I mean if gaming is really growing tired for you, I do not see how you can take that loud, obnoxious BS, to heart at all.
Sometimes its fun to hate. I like to poke the bee-hive with a stick sometimes as well, but no, they do not speak for majority. And knowing some PC building lingo does not mean crap. I have never played a game that stopped to ask me if I knew how to over clock my card and then have it shut itself off when I didn't.
To much time spent on gaming boards if the hobby is growing old for you. ANd being obsessed with MMO interactions sounds like someone who just discovered the genre recently.
In you five you will do a /facepalm
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