They always happily gave us the sales figures of the 360 or Xbox Live but when it comes to the Xbox One they’re awfully quiet. Is it because they’re ashamed of their sales compared to the PS4? Or is something else at play?
@Juub1990: yes they are afraid. And the game service allowing games available at luanch is gonna inflat their concurrent user amout to make sure it always sound good
I could see the pr spin already.. you can bet concurrent purchases and game pass rents will be mixed together and never disclosed separately
Smart move on the low. Not my style tho
MS was all over the places bragging about sale numbers during Xbox 360 era. MS was so full of themselves at the time, when there Xbox One launch, they saw low ass sales after November 2013 and beyond from that, MS just got so embarrassed, they no longer can share numbers because they ain't in the 360 era no more.
So yes there ashamed and more shameful they have lackluster exclusive games.
This is up to their marketing project manager, not anyone else within MS or the Xbox division. Like any business, sales numbers is a marketing tactic that has it's time and place and they utilize whatever tactic fits for that period of time. A sales number listing this time of the year probably isn't going to influence consumer decision making even if it was in the lead, rather they may wait for a big game release or holiday or sale as those are more influential time periods for consumers. You guys treat console like sports teams and forget about business tactics that are designed to influence and you guys fall into it way too much.
Microsoft needs to come out and just say what they have this isn't poker or a bluff or something just say what you have ffs
It's pretty obvious they are ashamed of the Xbone numbers. All throughout the 360 gen they shared numbers and gave us milestones. Even at the start of this gen they shared numbers. As soon as they started falling behind PS4 by significant margins they stopped sharing numbers. You don't need to be a psychic to know why they hide their numbers.
Pretty sure Sony did the same thing at the start of last gen when PS3 was getting it's arse kicked... but yeah I know, different rules for different companies.
They always happily gave us the sales figures of the 360 or Xbox Live but when it comes to the Xbox One they’re awfully quiet. Is it because they’re ashamed of their sales compared to the PS4? Or is something else at play?
I doubt it. Microsoft never released sales numbers for Flight Simulator X and they had ran out of activation keys in the past.
Companies like to accentuate the more positive aspects of their business at any given time.
More news at eleven.
It's a bitch move, but that's what they do.
Why? Why would YOU have to know the sales numbers? I'm pretty sure that NEED to know, know. Were you calling it a bitch move when Sony was hiding PS3 sales by combining with the PS2? I doubt you were or perhaps you weren't old enough to know.
I'm no expert but I do not think so, I think the console business is more complicated than that. Take the people who are primarily PC gamers and only buy the PS4 for its exclusives, does a person like that bring in the same amount of revenue to Sony than the hardcore Playstation fan who plays almost everything on their PS4 and buys a lot more on PSN? How do you distinguish between the 2, what other figures can you provide that illustrate that fact?
Yeah they would probably mention them if they were market leader, but they are not, so they are focusing on other positives I guess. It's to show that "although our sales are inferior in net numbers than the competition, we are doing great nonetheless". That's how I view it, otherwise it's a moot point to keep talking about sales when the competitor is so far ahead.....but is the picture that grim? Nope, not at all, the way I see it anyways. Xbox One is doing very well at the moment in my opinion, and I hope they keep the momentum going.
MS bragged about coming in second in the U.S. for last December lol... You know if there was anything to brag about, they'd be all over it. They are similar to Trump on Twitter... Take any win you can and brag about it.
Don't forget this quote!: "We believe over the next five years we can break a 100 million unit installed base," said Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's senior vice president of Interactive Entertainment Business.
@Juub1990: Business 101, when you're trying to get investors to invest in your stock, you show them reasons to continue to buy MS. In this case, MS chooses not to show off sales number because they know it will look bad to investors. The same thing Nintendo did with the Wii U, they hid their sales of Wii U due to potentially losing investors.
MS bragged about coming in second in the U.S. for last December lol... You know if there was anything to brag about, they'd be all over it. They are similar to Trump on Twitter... Take any win you can and brag about it.
Yeah and the cows tried to do damage control because they got beat by MS for December. lol
MS doing the right thing, not worrying about sales n just increasing the value of xbox to gamers by getting their hands on more content. Play Anywhere n PC focus along with Xbox for 1P seems to be a killer combo, just seeing what Sea of Thieves has done in closed beta, MS on a good path.
Of course. They want to hide the loss and sales figures from investors that show the embarrassing amounts of money they lost on Xbox One in a personal vendetta against Sony. If they weren't filthy, stinking rich with an appetite for conquest, they would have pulled away from consoles a long time ago. Microsoft used to shake off loser projects all the time at the drop of a hat, but they decided to make console gaming their white whale for some reason.
Back in the days when I was a lemmings during the 360 days (OG XBOX and 360) MS always posted how awesome they did in terms of sales, but fast forward 7 years and all we hear is crickets from them. It has to be very embarrassing for the lemmings to find out that their beloved XB1 hasn't outsold the 360 in terms of world wide sales.
They always happily gave us the sales figures of the 360 or Xbox Live but when it comes to the Xbox One they’re awfully quiet. Is it because they’re ashamed of their sales compared to the PS4? Or is something else at play?
I doubt it. Microsoft never released sales numbers for Flight Simulator X and they had ran out of activation keys in the past.
Don Mattrick, senior vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business and Devices Division, said the console was "leading the charge in the US and abroad".
He also implied that Xbox 360 would win the console war with Sony overall, adding that, "History has shown us that the first company to reach 10 million in console sales wins the generation battle."
However, Microsoft representatives were forced to issue an embarrassing clarification after Kotaku questioned a claim in the first line of the company's press release that it was "the first current-generation gaming console to break the 10 million mark in the US".
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said on Monday its Xbox 360 console will sell better than Sony Corp’s (6758.T)(SNE.N) rival PlayStation 3 over the lifetime of the machines.
“Xbox 360 will sell more consoles worldwide this generation than PlayStation 3,” Don Mattrick, a senior vice president at Microsoft’s Xbox division, said at a Microsoft news conference before the start of the E3 video game industry trade show.
Microsoft said the Xbox 360 has outsold the PS3 in the United States by 5 million units.
I keep on going if you like me too JUNAKA
Member when XBone was "The fastest selling Xbox ever?" Yeah, that January was fun around here.
No, and neither do you so don't go telling lies cowgenja. That apology will never come no matter how much bashing, whining and crying you do.
Please do...
Keep lying to kick it.
Member when XBone was "The fastest selling Xbox ever?" Yeah, that January was fun around here.
No, and neither do you so don't go telling lies cowgenja. That apology will never come no matter how much bashing, whining and crying you do.
Please do...
Keep lying to kick it.
lol rekt!
I keep on going if you like me too JUNAKA
I just care about FSX numbers. Don't care about the rest. Toot your horn if you want.
Member when XBone was "The fastest selling Xbox ever?" Yeah, that January was fun around here.
No, and neither do you so don't go telling lies cowgenja. That apology will never come no matter how much bashing, whining and crying you do.
Please do...
Keep lying to kick it.
You're right. My bad I misread it. I was thinking you were saying lems called it the highest selling console ever. My bad
Don't forget this quote!: "We believe over the next five years we can break a 100 million unit installed base," said Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's senior vice president of Interactive Entertainment Business.
That was referring to 360. Unfortunately, his comments about One were even more silly...
Off course it is. Last gen Greenberg was constantly gloating whenever the X360 became ahead of the PS3 for EVERY SINGLE MONTH... this sudden silence is definitely a break from the norm and we all know why
Well as this post just stated. Since no on knows how many Xbox have been sold he is just pulling that number right out of his ass. The PS4 is killing the Xbox but no one knows how badly. But like all cows all they are good at is creating false narratives to move their agenda. Unfortunate for you... You believe everything you read on the Internet. :P
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