Fell into a YouTube blackhole recently and watched a few videos where the narrator was lamenting how modern games just don't live up to the entertainment standard of earlier game design. Ie... Entertainment factor in Games have devolved, not evolved...
I'm wondering where system wars stands in all this? Do you consider games prior to say, ps4 generation or X360 gen to simply be designed to be more fun and entertaining against today's more cinematic offerings? I find myself, lately, preferring to bomb through another section of Castlevania 4 rather than an hour playing ghost of Tsushima. I find myself going back to older games, or even modern classics like Vampire Survivors more and more in favor of games with much slower pace and large swaths of dead air....
Anyway, I present the video I came across that got me thinking a little more on it. It could be a product of free time and desire, but "old" games feel less bogged down with modern day baggage. Is that crazy or right on?
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