For someone who understands something about hardware and what it actually does outside of "more memory good", I think they are. If you look at the potential teraflop performance of current gen consoles compared to next gen there isn't a huge difference. The new ps4 will just be more traditional architecture. It will be able to multitask better. Updated peripherals should allow for better functioning as far as chatting and multimedia and stuff like that. The 360 is actually already good at these things. It just is limited graphically. The ps3 as far as a pure game machine is still not even maximizing what it can do.
I don't think there is going to be a huge jump next gen as far as quality in games. I think games like uncharted, mlb the show, killzone, beyond two souls are already doing pretty amazing things.
I think next gen will be more about what this gen should have been hardware wise without the quirks that came along with this gen. But I don't think we are going to see a huge bump in quality. It will probably come along with it's own set of quirks as these comparnies really try to lock down their stuff.
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