Brutal Legend
Forza 3
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Brutal Legend
Forza 3
first rent, then maybe buy
second buy
third undecided, IM not ahuge fanof racing games but it just looks so epic...probably rent, then buy.
its really not worth 70 bucks. its just your average beat em up super hero game. Its not even like you have a open immerisve environment to engage in. The only thing i liked about the demo is that it felt like the old cartoon.You guys don't like teh batman?!?
Batman AA -> Buy --- Batman Demo was so fun and the gamelpay graphics are great and it seems to have the most important element to me...story!
Brutal Legend -> Most likely Buy as i don't rent games..... This guy did psychonauts which i loved on pc, will be picking this up, and it has heavy metal legends instant win!
Forza --- lol.... yeah right!, not this centrury... I dont buy any game from M$.... GT5 all the way! :)
Do you guys even buy games? I have over around 45 blu-ray ps3 games, 25 ps2 games I just got when i picked the ps2 up back in april, 13 ps1 games on psn to replace a fraction of the 60 ps1 games I sold for rent in 2001 36 psp games, 16 ds games, probably around 100-200 pc games in discs or on drives through out the years (since 1985) bad I sold all my atari 2600, intellvision ,nes, snes, genesis and tg-16 games ...they would be nice to have... I don't rent anything... and it seems the reason devs are shutting down so much is that you guys don't buy your games. Don't you guys like to have a large collection library to turn to and just pull something out to play whenever you want? I have been doing that since the 80's..even when i was a kid, i never rented games. Seems like so many people rent games nowadays. Also I can't believe people are so excited about forza, that e3 trailer was outrageous and overhyped.Midnightshade29
Off topic, but yoour trophy count is awfully low for 45 blue-ray ps3 games. (giant backlog?)
Do you guys even buy games? I have over around 45 blu-ray ps3 games, 25 ps2 games I just got when i picked the ps2 up back in april, 13 ps1 games on psn to replace a fraction of the 60 ps1 games I sold for rent in 2001 36 psp games, 16 ds games, probably around 100-200 pc games in discs or on drives through out the years (since 1985) bad I sold all my atari 2600, intellvision ,nes, snes, genesis and tg-16 games ...they would be nice to have... I don't rent anything... and it seems the reason devs are shutting down so much is that you guys don't buy your games. Don't you guys like to have a large collection library to turn to and just pull something out to play whenever you want? I have been doing that since the 80's..even when i was a kid, i never rented games. Seems like so many people rent games nowadays. Also I can't believe people are so excited about forza, that e3 trailer was outrageous and overhyped.Midnightshade29
I agree.. renting is almsot as bad as piracy.
Batman:AA Rent - I played the demo, and while the game isn't bad it doesn't live up to the hype uless the story, or boss fights are stellar.
Brutal Legend Rent/Buy - I'm a huge tim shafer fan so I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this game, but I'll probably try it out first.
Forza 3 Buy - it's the definitive racing game for next gen. I know lots of people are putting faith into GT5, but to be honest Polyphony hasn't proven they know what they're doing as far as next gen racers go.
batman- rent- the demo was fun while it lasted, but i haven't touched it since my first play through.
brutel legends- pass- just not intrested at all.
froza- pass- i dont have a 360, and im not a fan of that kind of racer.
Batman:AA - Buy - Could possible be the best batman game to ever released, Cookigaki had fun with the demo.
Brutal Legend - ???? - Cookigaki could not really say.
Forza 3 - Rent - Hey, look, another Racing games that play likes its previous version. No, wait! Another racer that plays like any other racers. Cookigaki recommend to rent it.
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