Are we ready for a NEXT gen game streaming service?... Does system wars have the internet speed required.

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Poll Are we ready for a NEXT gen game streaming service?... Does system wars have the internet speed required. (73 votes)

15Mb or less = No last generation 19%
25Mb = No current generation 10%
50Mb = Maybe? 12%
100Mb = Probably 30%
200Mb+ = Yes 29%

With the current announcement of Googles Stadia game service/platform thing and with the rumours of Microsoft readying up something similar are we the gamer's on this forum capable of a next gen experience of game streaming?

According to Digital foundry and Google:

  • 15Mb connection = 720/60
  • 25Mb connection = 1080/60
  • 4K/60 connection = Unknown but to be safe lets assume its at LEAST 100Mb

Post up your Speedtest and then answer the poll.

I am curious because we seem to be moving there but can we actually do it and will it gives us a experience that will rival actual hardware running at 4K which is clearly dependant on the speeds of our connections. I am... BUT I am not sure if the image quality will match dedicated hardware.

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#1 Pedro
Member since 2002 • 74024 Posts

Streaming is here to stay. People can bitch about it all they want but its happening.

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#2  Edited By Grey_Eyed_Elf
Member since 2011 • 7971 Posts

@Pedro said:

Streaming is here to stay. People can bitch about it all they want but its happening.

Not really answering the question, its clear that its coming and soon. The question is are we the people here on a gaming forum who actually game ready for a service?... As in can we get a service with the connections that we have.

You posting that comment makes little to no sense, as we are gamer's and if there are options we won't chose something that is worse why subscribe to a 4K game streaming service like Stadia if your connection won't give you a 4K stream and a console doesn't require crazy connection speeds.

The average UK internet speeds its less than 50Mb which won't be enough for 4K/60... That user would then have the option to get a PS5 for $400-500 and get 4K gaming or get a Stadia connection and get stuck with 1080/60 for god knows how much.

It may be here to stay, but are you capable of it?...

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#3 deactivated-642321fb121ca
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Don't care if I had 200+, not ever using it. In other news Google have just been give a 1.5 billion euro fine.

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#4  Edited By speedytimsi
Member since 2003 • 1415 Posts

The download speed is not the problem. Google project on Odyssey only needed a minimum of 25mbps. It's the upload speed that presents a problem for some users as it needed 7-8mbps. All of that is for 1080p so so it's gonna take a lot more for 4K 60fps.

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#5 deactivated-5f4e2292197f1
Member since 2015 • 1374 Posts

I'm getting Fiber at end of next month, so I'll be getting that 1gig internet with no data caps.

I did just upgrade my computer and assuming PS5 is 2020, I do see potential in 3-5 years where I decide Steam is like my old console for my old games, and all new stuff on Stadia. I imagine by then all their future dreams will start coming to the service.

I just know PS5 is gonna be must own and doesn't matter Stadia isn't gonna replace my consoles, to me, its a PC platform option and just don't know if I care for its lack of native options, cause PS Now has it and so will xCloud.

Basically the real question, is Steam gonna do anything to keep me, or am I gonna ditch Steam for Win10, Epic or Stadia.

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#6 Son-Goku7523
Member since 2019 • 955 Posts

I have about 500MB and I don't intend to go streaming ever. I've used streaming in the past and it just doesn't compare to having actual hardware.

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#7 Grey_Eyed_Elf
Member since 2011 • 7971 Posts

@speedytimsi said:

The download speed is not the problem. Google project on Odyssey only needed a minimum of 25mbps. It's the upload speed that presents a problem for some users as it needed 7-8mbps. All of that is for 1080p so so it's gonna take a lot more for 4K 60fps.

Yes 25Mb for 1080/60.

Upload speeds are not a issue you don't upload because its already on Googles servers and they upload it for you.

As of right now they have no working demonstration of 4K/60 and everything shown on the floor and what everyone has testing is 1080/60 so far. Also Gamespot just did a hands on and they state that Doom was running on Medium-High at 1080/60.

Input lag was the worst offender during my time with Doom; this was readily apparent when swiping the mouse around to aim. The aiming reticule would trail behind my mouse movements ever so slightly, and for a game like Doom--a hyper-fast first-person shooter that relies on precision aiming--it can be a deal-breaker. Playing on a controller mitigated the emphasis on speed and precision and made input lag a little less of a factor, but it doesn't negate the issue altogether. Another thing to note is that Google staff told me the Doom demo in particular was running in a low-latency mode available on Stadia itself. From a fidelity standpoint, the game ran at a consistent frame-rate using medium-high settings with adequate overall image quality; artifacting (or compression) didn't affect the experience. However, it's a bit disappointing that input lag could hold this back from being the ideal way to play a game as fast as Doom.

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#8 Grey_Eyed_Elf
Member since 2011 • 7971 Posts

@saltslasher said:

I'm getting Fiber at end of next month, so I'll be getting that 1gig internet with no data caps.

I did just upgrade my computer and assuming PS5 is 2020, I do see potential in 3-5 years where I decide Steam is like my old console for my old games, and all new stuff on Stadia. I imagine by then all their future dreams will start coming to the service.

I just know PS5 is gonna be must own and doesn't matter Stadia isn't gonna replace my consoles, to me, its a PC platform option and just don't know if I care for its lack of native options, cause PS Now has it and so will xCloud.

Basically the real question, is Steam gonna do anything to keep me, or am I gonna ditch Steam for Win10, Epic or Stadia.

I wouldn't jump to conclusion, this IS not going to replace PC gaming any time soon:

Input lag was the worst offender during my time with Doom; this was readily apparent when swiping the mouse around to aim. The aiming reticule would trail behind my mouse movements ever so slightly, and for a game like Doom--a hyper-fast first-person shooter that relies on precision aiming--it can be a deal-breaker. Playing on a controller mitigated the emphasis on speed and precision and made input lag a little less of a factor, but it doesn't negate the issue altogether. Another thing to note is that Google staff told me the Doom demo in particular was running in a low-latency mode available on Stadia itself. From a fidelity standpoint, the game ran at a consistent frame-rate using medium-high settings with adequate overall image quality; artifacting (or compression) didn't affect the experience. However, it's a bit disappointing that input lag could hold this back from being the ideal way to play a game as fast as Doom.

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#9  Edited By pyro1245
Member since 2003 • 9525 Posts

I think I'm ready....

EDIT: I have AT&T fiber gigabit up and down. I must be really close to the hub to get a 2ms ping. The speeds should be about 10% faster though. It's $90/mo.

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#11 xantufrog  Moderator
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I have 100Mb connection. I'm ready from a technical standpoint. I don't approve or want it from a user standpoint.

But it's inevitable, IMO. I'll happily be one of the last holdouts, but it's coming.

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#12 reavis86
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I pay $45/mont for 200mbps down and 12mbps up. If I needed to, I could upgrade to the 400/25 for $20 more a month. But, I never had a problem when I used Project Stream. I use Geforce Now on my Nvidia sheild quite often without any issues. All that is achieved in a household with busy wifi traffic. I'm married and have 3 kids that are always watching YoutubeTV, Philo, Netflix, Hulu, Prime, or normal youtube. My son plays online with his XB1 alot aswell. There has been only 1 time that Geforce Now was unbearable to son and daughter was playing fortnite together on xb1 and switch, when I was trying to play something on my shieldtv.

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#13 Pedro
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@Grey_Eyed_Elf: Internet speeds aren't digressing so if gamers aren't ready now they will be. 5G will also be a major factor in the transition. This concern about being ready reminds me of gamers reaction to the original Xbox with its ethernet only network option and folks freaked out for the similar reasons.

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#14 SecretPolice
Member since 2007 • 45737 Posts

5G will change everything... Bank!!! :P

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#15 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 60869 Posts

I have a 20-something MB/sec service, but for whatever reason the fastest I am able to download is 3.3 mb/sec. Not sure how that works out.

AT&T is my service, I am wired (not wi-fi). California, North SF Bay Area. You'd think I'd be able to get faster speeds in this area...

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#16 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 60869 Posts

@reavis86 said:

I pay $45/mont for 200mbps down and 12mbps up. If I needed to, I could upgrade to the 400/25 for $20 more a month. But, I never had a problem when I used Project Stream. I use Geforce Now on my Nvidia sheild quite often without any issues. All that is achieved in a household with busy wifi traffic. I'm married and have 3 kids that are always watching YoutubeTV, Philo, Netflix, Hulu, Prime, or normal youtube. My son plays online with his XB1 alot aswell. There has been only 1 time that Geforce Now was unbearable to son and daughter was playing fortnite together on xb1 and switch, when I was trying to play something on my shieldtv.

Jesus, I'm paying $80 for a 20-something mbps download speed...

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#17 AJStyles
Member since 2018 • 1430 Posts

lol streaming.

Based on those numbers though, I could handle 1080p/60fps on my current plan.

Even then, I have tried streaming and it sucks. The video quality drops drastically. Not worth it.

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#18 djoffer
Member since 2007 • 1856 Posts

Have a 1000/100 mbit connection so definitely ready, but as long as input lag is an issue I’ll stick to my pc! Pay 40$ a month.

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#19 pyro1245
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@mrbojangles25 said:

I have a 20-something MB/sec service, but for whatever reason the fastest I am able to download is 3.3 mb/sec. Not sure how that works out.

AT&T is my service, I am wired (not wi-fi). California, North SF Bay Area. You'd think I'd be able to get faster speeds in this area...

Are you sure it's not a 20 Mbit connection? 20Mbit/(8 bit/byte) = 2.5MByte

IPSs use bits instead of bytes, probably because it lets them say bigger numbers.

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#20 sovkhan
Member since 2015 • 1591 Posts

Not ready and won't be ready anytime soon!!!!

So i won't see it happening anytime soon here in France at least.

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#21  Edited By Grey_Eyed_Elf
Member since 2011 • 7971 Posts

@Pedro said:

@Grey_Eyed_Elf: Internet speeds aren't digressing so if gamers aren't ready now they will be. 5G will also be a major factor in the transition. This concern about being ready reminds me of gamers reaction to the original Xbox with its ethernet only network option and folks freaked out for the similar reasons.

Not the same thing at all.

We are concerned because the strength of your connection and stability of it all will greatly impact the visual quality of the service. Its a genuine concern not to mention the hardware running the games if the framerate where to drop from 60 occasionally how will that affect the experience. A lot of un-answered questions.

Its not a fear because we don't have this right now and next generation consoles will still be using physical hardware, its a option.

This crazy forum mentality where if you raise concern its frowned upon is ridiculous especially since every service like this suffer from the same issues and have more or less failed.

Say you live in a house hold with a 100Mb connection and you want to play the latest game at 4K with HDR at 60FPS on your brand new OLED TV and then while doing this your wife is watching her netflix show also in 4K and your kids are on youtube on the tablet?... This is not a "freak" out its a genuine concern.

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#22 SuperfluousReal
Member since 2019 • 361 Posts

I have 80 mbps down and 20 up...

I still dislike the idea of streaming.

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#23 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 60869 Posts

@pyro1245 said:
@mrbojangles25 said:

I have a 20-something MB/sec service, but for whatever reason the fastest I am able to download is 3.3 mb/sec. Not sure how that works out.

AT&T is my service, I am wired (not wi-fi). California, North SF Bay Area. You'd think I'd be able to get faster speeds in this area...

Are you sure it's not a 20 Mbit connection? 20Mbit/(8 bit/byte) = 2.5MByte

IPSs use bits instead of bytes, probably because it lets them say bigger numbers.

I will have to look into that. That's incredibly misleading lol.

I imagine that is exactly what it is.

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#24 pyro1245
Member since 2003 • 9525 Posts
@mrbojangles25 said:
@pyro1245 said:
@mrbojangles25 said:

I have a 20-something MB/sec service, but for whatever reason the fastest I am able to download is 3.3 mb/sec. Not sure how that works out.

AT&T is my service, I am wired (not wi-fi). California, North SF Bay Area. You'd think I'd be able to get faster speeds in this area...

Are you sure it's not a 20 Mbit connection? 20Mbit/(8 bit/byte) = 2.5MByte

IPSs use bits instead of bytes, probably because it lets them say bigger numbers.

I will have to look into that. That's incredibly misleading lol.

I imagine that is exactly what it is.

Yeah probably 25Mbit, that would be 3.125MB/s

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#25  Edited By ArchoNils2
Member since 2005 • 10534 Posts

I'm at 200 down and 20 up. So yeah, ready ;D

I will try it out, why not, nothing to lose really. But I doubt that it will impress me at all. My rig is just too good ;D

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#26 michaelmikado
Member since 2019 • 406 Posts

Peak speed is the least reliable metric for measuring preparedness for game streaming. It will be about latency and consistency. Internet speeds are almost a non-factor with the standards speeds today.

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#27 Basinboy
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I average around 15mbps with my potato ISP, but that’s what I get for a suburban apartment complex in a non-hub. Not great for streaming but I will relocate before Stadia releases and may possibly get a place with 1gbps.

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#28  Edited By Grey_Eyed_Elf
Member since 2011 • 7971 Posts

@michaelmikado said:

Peak speed is the least reliable metric for measuring preparedness for game streaming. It will be about latency and consistency. Internet speeds are almost a non-factor with the standards speeds today.

While I agree for the most part I have to say that Its a factor if you want the 4K/60 experience... 25-50Mbps that is the average in the UK is not close to being enough and during peak times A LOT of people will be lucky to get 2/3 of that advertised speed.

My brother lives 30 minutes away from me in a apartment complex in Wimbledon and his area can't get more than 63Mbps connection from TalkTalk, he has their 38Mbps connection and can't even get 22Mbps down with speedtest when at peak times when he is home from work... It works alright for 4K netflix but don't think it will be for something like this.

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#29 michaelmikado
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@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:
@michaelmikado said:

Peak speed is the least reliable metric for measuring preparedness for game streaming. It will be about latency and consistency. Internet speeds are almost a non-factor with the standards speeds today.

While I agree for the most part I have to say that Its a factor if you want the 4K/60 experience... 25-50Mbps that is the average in the UK is not close to being enough and during peak times A LOT of people will be lucky to get 2/3 of that advertised speed.

My brother lives 30 minutes away from me in a apartment complex in Wimbledon and his area can't get more than 63Mbps connection from TalkTalk, he has their 38Mbps connection and can't even get 22Mbps down with speedtest when at peak times when he is home from work... It works alright for 4K netflix but don't think it will be for something like this.

Yeah but this is assuming at home speeds are non-pooled. As long as a user is getting 25Mbps even when peak, the speed should be fine. This service will most likely launch in NA first anyway and then hit Europe and Asia. But that time I would expect speeds to be well above 25Mbps average in home. The service isn't even launching until later this year, never mind when it official launches across the pond.

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#30 Grey_Eyed_Elf
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@michaelmikado said:
@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:
@michaelmikado said:

Peak speed is the least reliable metric for measuring preparedness for game streaming. It will be about latency and consistency. Internet speeds are almost a non-factor with the standards speeds today.

While I agree for the most part I have to say that Its a factor if you want the 4K/60 experience... 25-50Mbps that is the average in the UK is not close to being enough and during peak times A LOT of people will be lucky to get 2/3 of that advertised speed.

My brother lives 30 minutes away from me in a apartment complex in Wimbledon and his area can't get more than 63Mbps connection from TalkTalk, he has their 38Mbps connection and can't even get 22Mbps down with speedtest when at peak times when he is home from work... It works alright for 4K netflix but don't think it will be for something like this.

Yeah but this is assuming at home speeds are non-pooled. As long as a user is getting 25Mbps even when peak, the speed should be fine. This service will most likely launch in NA first anyway and then hit Europe and Asia. But that time I would expect speeds to be well above 25Mbps average in home. The service isn't even launching until later this year, never mind when it official launches across the pond.

The 25Mbps number is what is required for 1080/60, so I'm not sure why you are saying its should be fine on a service that is targeting 4K/60.

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#31 deactivated-63d2876fd4204
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@pyro1245 said:

I think I'm ready....

EDIT: I have AT&T fiber gigabit up and down. I must be really close to the hub to get a 2ms ping. The speeds should be about 10% faster though. It's $90/mo.

Pyro lives IN the internet...

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#32 reavis86
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@mrbojangles25: my ISP is Spectrum, they offer a 30/3 base package for only $15/mo. It's all because of competition in the area. At&t and spectrum compete heavily in my area. At&t offers 1Gbps for $90 and its slightly over $100 from spectrum. I think the upload speeds on all of At&t plans are faster than Spectrum's, but AT&T has like a 500gb or 1tb data cap a month on all plans besides their largest (1gbps)....that is unless you bundle with directv and cellphones. So I've had Spectrum for the past no sense from them.

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#33 michaelmikado
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@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:
@michaelmikado said:
@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:
@michaelmikado said:

Peak speed is the least reliable metric for measuring preparedness for game streaming. It will be about latency and consistency. Internet speeds are almost a non-factor with the standards speeds today.

While I agree for the most part I have to say that Its a factor if you want the 4K/60 experience... 25-50Mbps that is the average in the UK is not close to being enough and during peak times A LOT of people will be lucky to get 2/3 of that advertised speed.

My brother lives 30 minutes away from me in a apartment complex in Wimbledon and his area can't get more than 63Mbps connection from TalkTalk, he has their 38Mbps connection and can't even get 22Mbps down with speedtest when at peak times when he is home from work... It works alright for 4K netflix but don't think it will be for something like this.

Yeah but this is assuming at home speeds are non-pooled. As long as a user is getting 25Mbps even when peak, the speed should be fine. This service will most likely launch in NA first anyway and then hit Europe and Asia. But that time I would expect speeds to be well above 25Mbps average in home. The service isn't even launching until later this year, never mind when it official launches across the pond.

The 25Mbps number is what is required for 1080/60, so I'm not sure why you are saying its should be fine on a service that is targeting 4K/60.

Because I don't think the average user of this service who is playing on a web browser on a Chromebook is looking for 4K/60. Users looking for 4K/60 will get a physical box to play in the best possible fidelity. The average Netflix user doesn't care that Infinity War is only in 1080P rather than 4K. What I'm saying is for the average user targeted user this is likely more than fine and latency will be more important to their experience than resolution.

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#34 Pedro
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@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:

Not the same thing at all.

We are concerned because the strength of your connection and stability of it all will greatly impact the visual quality of the service. Its a genuine concern not to mention the hardware running the games if the framerate where to drop from 60 occasionally how will that affect the experience. A lot of un-answered questions.

Its not a fear because we don't have this right now and next generation consoles will still be using physical hardware, its a option.

This crazy forum mentality where if you raise concern its frowned upon is ridiculous especially since every service like this suffer from the same issues and have more or less failed.

Say you live in a house hold with a 100Mb connection and you want to play the latest game at 4K with HDR at 60FPS on your brand new OLED TV and then while doing this your wife is watching her netflix show also in 4K and your kids are on youtube on the tablet?... This is not a "freak" out its a genuine concern.

Firstly you are creating a scenario as if streaming is the only option. If streaming becomes the only options the scenario you speak of will simply not exist. Until then, these contrived scenarios are pretty useless speculation. At the moment streaming is optional making all of these supposed concerns and issues beside the point.

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#35 Gatygun
Member since 2010 • 2709 Posts

With VPN, watching twitch.

Got 8 ms, 87mb download, 95mb upload.

Basically typical cheap 100mbit line.

Ready, sadly i sit on a PC so zero interest.

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#36 BenjaminBanklin
Member since 2004 • 11568 Posts

I'm at 200 mb dl and 30 up. But, I still would really prefer to have the option to own games without having to subscribe to a service to play them, or wondering if said service would be abandoned, leaving you high and dry.

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#37 deactivated-6068afec1b77d
Member since 2017 • 2539 Posts

Mines really bad 6 mb

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#38 Archangel3371
Member since 2004 • 46998 Posts

Well my internet is ready but that’s not the issue I have with streaming games, I just very much prefer having the physical product myself.

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#39 General_Solo76
Member since 2013 • 578 Posts

Yeah, I don’t see this becoming a huge hit or replacing traditional consoles anytime soon

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#40 outworld222
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How would this console work if there is an internet connectivity issue?? Can you play offline??

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#41 NfamousLegend
Member since 2016 • 1037 Posts

I think i'll be alright. Might even be ready for 8K60. you never know....

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#42 Xabiss
Member since 2012 • 4749 Posts

I am at 100/10 so I am good to go.

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#43 deactivated-6068afec1b77d
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@outworld222 said:

How would this console work if there is an internet connectivity issue?? Can you play offline??

No, you can't not. There is no offline download allowed.

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#45 deactivated-642321fb121ca
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#46 with_teeth26  Online
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I'm about 340 down/15 up. hopefully upload isn't a limiting factor

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#47 lamprey263
Member since 2006 • 45498 Posts

I think latency will be a bigger issue than bandwidth for streaming games, but yes, this gen games ranged from a few GB to near 100GB and my bandwidth can handle these with easy now. Makes it easy to own all games digitally and installation isn't a huge fuss.

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#48 Raining51
Member since 2016 • 1164 Posts

No way.

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#49  Edited By That_Old_Guy
Member since 2018 • 1233 Posts

200 down here, so I’m good.

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#50 rzxv04
Member since 2018 • 2578 Posts

30-100 depending on promos.

afaik there's metric.. was it ping? which was said to be a little bit more important. something about some latency spikes as well.

We're in a major city and our net isn't even perfectly stable.