majority of the games i buy each year are day 1 buys. majority of the time i am pleased with the games. The five games that come to mind that didn't feel worth the 60 dollar asking price were FF13 (linear through the nose with a whining lackluster story), Killzone 2 (hate these characters and the controls so much....), Resistance 3 (what a crappy ending, i felt shysted), Alpha Protocol (love the dialog system, really hate everything else...), Dragon Age 2 (for many of the reasons everyone else has already said)
some games i'll wait for price drops. like i'm waiting on FF13-2, Ace Combat : Assault Horizon, Asura's Wrath, NeverDead, and i'll wait on Binary Domain to drop in price.
but games like Syndicate, Mass Effect 3, Journey ($15 dollar PSN game), and Kid Icarus : Uprising are all day 1 buy's for me. Gravity Rush and Resistance : Burning Skies will be day 1 as well when those two eventually show.
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