Ah, this ol' debate again.
Whatever, I'll bite: I am 100% digital. Only practical reason (imo, obviously) for physical is resale, and I don't do that, so no need for physical.
Meanwhile, a lot of reasons for me to stick with digital. I'm on PC, btw.
- No worry about scratched or lost discs.
- Better selection than physical available, and available at many different locations.
- Able to store my game collection, which at this point probably counts in the many many hundreds, if not 1000+, anywhere I want. I would need a small library to do that physically.
- Since going all-digital in ~2004, I still have every single game I have purchased. Do you have every single physical game you purchased since 2004?
- I can still play every single game I have purchased since 2004. In other words, essentially near-infinite backwards compatibility.
- Despite all the doom saying, none of my games have been removed from my digital library. No, not even if they have been removed from the store I bought them from. No, not even Ubisoft removed it 😋
- Some digital storefronts have good support and/or community tools built into them.
- Larger selection.
- Often less expensive.
- Access to independent and small-scale games. Are there physical copies of Valheim at Best Buy? Grim Dawn?
@dimebag667 said:
I get that physical is dying (dead), but when has it ever been a good thing to take all that power from the purchaser, and give it to the producer? What will people do when they don't have the option? My assumption is that they will do what they're told... because they're too afraid to do anything else.
I would argue there is safety in numbers. Any mishandling of sales, revoking of access to a digital game, etc. would result in monstrous class-action lawsuits.
I mean we've all seen how gamers react over bullshit that happens in their games, imagine how organized and motivated we'd be if something that mattered actually happened? We would be legion lol
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