Yes, on PC only though.
Not really tbh... I've never been able to get into them. I've tried many times to get into Skyrim & Fallout 4 in particular, but just couldn't finish them. They just didn't click with me like others such as the Witcher games.
But I'm curious to see how their next games will turn out, specially Starfield.
By today's standards, Skyrim and FO4 are at most 6/10 games. I was distrustful of game journalists at the time valuing these buggy and boring games. But it's a step forward, as those journalists now learned from the failures of FO76 and CP2077 that games that are too buggy are bad, and that games shouldn't be evaluated by brand alone.
Bethesda also likes to exaggerate and lie to people to sell games, which has even become an internet meme.
Their recent lie is the introduction of items in FO76 that promote pay to win, even though they had promised not to introduce such a system. I think this developer is below the norm in many ways.
like cup said can't pretend haven't sunk hundreds of hours into them over the years. when they're good they're engrossing and wonderfully atmospheric, providing you do the stealth / archer / lockpick build. always find the warrior / mage builds far less fun.
but bethesda game studios had a miserable output last gen, they've got some restoring of faith to do, there's no automatic free pass for them anymore, other than the obvious.
open world rpgs are a genre in need of some new ideas anyway. cyberpunk wasn't the revolutionary title we all hoped. outer worlds was frustratingly just ok. and third person action games seem to be stepping closer and closer into their territory. the stage is set for starfield to bring the genre back with a bang
I'm absolutely a fan of Bethesda, since Oblivion, Fallout 3 & 4 & New Vegas are some of my favourite games. Skyrim was a mild disappointment, but still quite an experience. Oh and let us pretend that Fallout 76 never happened, please?
I am excited to see their next games, and Microsoft's recent acquisition has made me more interested in the Xsex than the PS5. I don't play on PC.
No, but the industry always gives them a free pass despite their terrible writing, terrible design, terrible execution and mediocre gameplay.
They peaked at Morrowind (which was a legitimately great game). Everything has gone downhill since then - I don't think they've made a great game in almost two decades.
Apparently a ton of people think they make great (although buggy) games.
I expect the new games to be no different, maybe a bit more polished.
The PC versions are the ones that are buggy, hardly any problems playing the console versions.
If they had taken the kind of expansiveness, customization, versatility, and options in building characters and how you could play the game, and combined that with some of the improved, more immersive AI like you get in Skyrim with NPCs going to bed, waking up, going to work, eating dinner, having conversations with eachother, etc, then Bethesda could make a truly epic game.
Like most things though, I think it's just another case of another franchise sacrificing gameplay for eyecandy and trying to appeal to casuals.
I played Fallout 3 and Skyrim back in the day. They were pretty cool experiences, with the exception of the buggy mess they were lol (at least that was my experience on my PS3). Skyrim is also one of my favorite games, just because I loved the sense of exploration and discovery in that game. It was new for its time. I've also played Fallout 4, which was ok, but didn't seem to have the same inspiration as the other two. Overall, I'm looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls game, but with caution. It's been 10 years since Skyrim and I'm not sure if Bethesda can really create a AAAE type game of that caliber again. Fallout 76 was a huge flop and they also pulled a weird move towards mobile. Hopefully they stick to an awesome single player experience for us core gamers next time.
What about you, SW? Are you a fan of Bethesda RPGs?
Oh, here we go - the virtual sour grapes!
No Bethesda games on Playstation, and now the calves are all "I never liked Fallout or the Elder Scrolls anyway. I hate Doom, Wolfenstein, and Dishonored, too."
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