Poll Are you a member of the GTX 900 club? (146 votes)
Not gonna lie, SW. The new nvidia gpus are pretty sweet. As much as I love console, these GPUs are in a league of their own. Do you have one? Plan on getting one? What is your setup?
Not gonna lie, SW. The new nvidia gpus are pretty sweet. As much as I love console, these GPUs are in a league of their own. Do you have one? Plan on getting one? What is your setup?
Nice! Which case is that, if I am going to build a brand new rig, I am getting a new case too as my current one (even though it's looks pretty with the blue LEDs) it's cluttered with all the wires and not clean and neath like yours.
I have 2 GTX 970s.
I thought about returning them for a full refund but there really isn't anything out by Nvidia with the same bang for buck and I don't want to go for AMD and lose out on Nvidia features.
Nice! Which case is that, if I am going to build a brand new rig, I am getting a new case too as my current one (even though it's looks pretty with the blue LEDs) it's cluttered with all the wires and not clean and neath like yours.
It's the Corsair Air 540.
It has two chambers one for everything you see in the picture you quoted and another you see in the picture below.
You can easily hide all the cables on the other side and fit in any SSDs (I removed the clip on drive cage since I have no SSDs) or disc drives.
It leaves the main compartment less obstructed so there is better airflow.
@RyviusARC: and i upgraded from 275 to gtx660 but that doesnt mean that there is a big diffirence between 7 and 9.
I upgraded from a GTX 760 to a GTX 970 and seen nearly 2x the performance. It just depends on which card your upgrading from, If your upgrading from a 760 or 770 which 760 is like a 670 and 770 is a overclocked 680 going to a 970 to 980 there is a good difference. Now if your coming from 780 series not so much since those cards are "mini titans" their still an upgrade but not as big.
Dunno if I'm gonna get one yet I'll wait to see how AMD 300 series fares. I'm actually on the fence about since DX12 allows AMD and Nvidia pairing, I think a 980 would be a good addition to my current build.
FX 6300
R9 280
... I would actually tell you not to do that.. Your FX 6300 is going to bottleneck the crap out of that video card..
Even now if he jumped on a 4670K from Intel his FPS would jump.
It's really disheartening that AMD is so far behind.. I mean their newest chips still can't even compete with even the second gen i5's and i7's..
Yea I know that my 6300 won't be enough for a dual gpu setup, it's a good cpu for a single card like the 280, but when I upgrade my gpu I'll definitely be upgrading to an Intel chip. AS far as jumping to a 4670k now, I don't think the performance increase would be worth the money atm. I only have a 1080p monitor so I built my rig so I could comfortably game at 1080p, once I get a 4k monitor then I could justify spending more money on a better setup.
The 8350 is probably your best option seeing as it will not require you to choosing a different motherboard in this regard.. The thing is when it comes to intel.. Is the I5 2500k still rivals gaming performance with the 4690k.. I5 2500k overclocked to 4.4 to 4.5ghz will surpass the performance of stock 4690k (its easy to do).. Even when the 4690k is overclocked it doesn't beat out the 2500k by much.. 2500k has to be the best cpu ever to be released on longevity and price vs performance.. It was released in 2011.. And DX12 looks like it is going to extend it's life span even further.
@04dcarraher: both 960 and the 4gb issue one are dissapointing. Also still no 950 ti
The "4gb issue" has been overblown and the effect is aggravated by the people that overestimated the 970's abilities and ignore vram requirements thinking that a 4gb card can run game settings that require 5 or 6gb of vram without issue. And the 960 is a mid level gaming card and it fits the bill. Some are overlooking that these cards are built for DX12 and their gains in the future will increase, widening the current gap vs current DX11 gpus. The starswarm tech demo that showcased Mantle and DX12 showed the DX12 cards can see 250% gains over DX11 in cpu bound situations.
Some bad news for the AMD 300 series, looks like that 380 series and under are all tweaked rebrand of earlier cards. so it looks like the only new gpu are the 390 series.
Yeah my first choice was GTX 970 as I think that had the price/performance coming out of nVidia in years (at least in the high end range). After that "ramgate" fiasco thought about getting a R9 290X but might as well wait for a R9 390X and get a full DX 12 GPU.
Well you need to get a full overhaul, your better off getting a 970 and new cpu/mobo&ram then a very expensive AMD gpu.
You holding onto the "bumpgate" but ignore that AMD is just as bad not replacing or fixing their laptop gpu issue a few years ago and kept on producing the gpus for years even though the issue was known.
The 390x will be most likely a $700 gpu that's only on average 30% faster then 970 below 1600p from the recent benchs .
Which AMD laptop GPU’s were those? After I switched over to AMD after my 17” nVidia Gaming laptop died I had no issues other than a driver problem that was later fixed. AMD didn’t get dragged to court like nvidia did and was FORCED to offer compensation/replacement after all those defective laptop GPUs. I wasted s*** ton of money, with that money I could have brought a swooped up gaming laptop with liquid cooling. It was total FAIL on nVidia’s part.
Joining the gtx 970 3.5GB 1080p crew once my card comes in and I build my PC. Cant wait for some free Witcher 3 goodness.
The good news is, the current consoles are so underpowered, I may be able to run games at high settings until the next gen occurs!
I'm thinking of getting a GTX 970. However, I am thinking of waiting another generation or two. I would want my new GPU to properly handle 4K so I can get a sharper monitor
700 series is fine. It's especially great when it's not even my computer.
Lol @ thinking people don't buy Titans because they can't afford them
I definitely cannot afford a titan.
@nyadc: not really to be honest. I may need to rephrase that statement. 95% of my games I play do not stress the card. Only Crysis 3 and Ryse with Uber Sampling made my card drop the frames to lower than 30 frames per second at times. After the Uber Sampling was turned off all was well. I only had a few dips below 60. I suspect The Witcher 3 will be the same. Now when Direct X 12 is used in most upcoming games. I will have to upgrade then for sure.
I'm planning on getting a 970 fairly soon. I'm currently able to play current games, but not max them. Normally, that would be good enough for me, and I'd spend the money on a console, but given the sorry state of the Xbone/PS4 lineups right now, I think the money would be better spent on a new GPU.
I have 2 Titan Blacks. 6gb VRAM master race!
You're a lunatic like clyde hahahaha.
Honestly I have the two year insurance on my card so when the next best thing comes. Which I guess is pascal i'll take my card back and exchange it for a new one.
Yeah my first choice was GTX 970 as I think that had the price/performance coming out of nVidia in years (at least in the high end range). After that "ramgate" fiasco thought about getting a R9 290X but might as well wait for a R9 390X and get a full DX 12 GPU.
Well you need to get a full overhaul, your better off getting a 970 and new cpu/mobo&ram then a very expensive AMD gpu.
You holding onto the "bumpgate" but ignore that AMD is just as bad not replacing or fixing their laptop gpu issue a few years ago and kept on producing the gpus for years even though the issue was known.
The 390x will be most likely a $700 gpu that's only on average 30% faster then 970 below 1600p from the recent benchs .
Which AMD laptop GPU’s were those? After I switched over to AMD after my 17” nVidia Gaming laptop died I had no issues other than a driver problem that was later fixed. AMD didn’t get dragged to court like nvidia did and was FORCED to offer compensation/replacement after all those defective laptop GPUs. I wasted s*** ton of money, with that money I could have brought a swooped up gaming laptop with liquid cooling. It was total FAIL on nVidia’s part.
Ones used from 2011-2013 in macbooks and other oem manufactures , and since the macbook pro didnt get replaced Apple experienced lawsuits, but apple got away from it until 2015
@Postosuchus: yeah my 7870 will due as nothing I play on pc requires anything more. That and I have a 1920 x 1200 monitor. Don't need a 4k ready card. Until games start coming out that require the upgrade like Quake 3, doom3, halflife2, crysis, stalker , never winter nights 2 , unreal tornament etc... did in the past I will stick to this. My most upgrading happened in gen 6 of the consoles, of course I skipped on consoles at all that gen. Back then it made sense pc got complete better games.
Remember battlefield 2 compared to the console game with a subtitle, or actual exclusives? (Pc gets them bow but they aren't really tech heavy unless u count mmos and crap moba games)
Yeah my first choice was GTX 970 as I think that had the price/performance coming out of nVidia in years (at least in the high end range). After that "ramgate" fiasco thought about getting a R9 290X but might as well wait for a R9 390X and get a full DX 12 GPU.
Well you need to get a full overhaul, your better off getting a 970 and new cpu/mobo&ram then a very expensive AMD gpu.
You holding onto the "bumpgate" but ignore that AMD is just as bad not replacing or fixing their laptop gpu issue a few years ago and kept on producing the gpus for years even though the issue was known.
The 390x will be most likely a $700 gpu that's only on average 30% faster then 970 below 1600p from the recent benchs .
Which AMD laptop GPU’s were those? After I switched over to AMD after my 17” nVidia Gaming laptop died I had no issues other than a driver problem that was later fixed. AMD didn’t get dragged to court like nvidia did and was FORCED to offer compensation/replacement after all those defective laptop GPUs. I wasted s*** ton of money, with that money I could have brought a swooped up gaming laptop with liquid cooling. It was total FAIL on nVidia’s part.
Ones used from 2011-2013 in macbooks and other oem manufactures , and since the macbook pro didnt get replaced Apple experienced lawsuits, but apple got away from it until 2015
That was only a small batch mostly affecting Apple.You could have batches of defective GPUs just like you could buy a graphics card that is defective that doesn't mean there is a inherent design flaw. It wasn't proven that it was because of AMD's design flaw, whereas it was proven in court that it was because of nVidia's defective die packaging that caused the issues (from which nVidia has now changed to a different die packaging method). It wasn't no where as big as nVidia's issues with their GeForce Go 7XXX/8XXX series which had the defective die packaging. Show me where AMD got dragged to court in a class action lawsuit where they lost not only here in the USA and Canada? That's because the problem wasn't with the design of the GPU itself (ie the die packaging). nVidia didn't offer any compensation to boutique Gaming Laptop makers that had those defective GPUs as they know they could get away with it since it's not one of the big boys like Dell, HP, Acer. They only offered compensation to those who had a large number of voices i.e. those who brought Dell, HP, Compaq, Asus laptops which are in much larger numbers compared to those small % of Gamers who brought gaming laptops.
it wasnt a small batch, many thousands were affected, the issue lasted until 2013 when they switched gpu architectures. AMD supplied the chips, but Apple was responsible for their product as a whole but didnt honor it. Until they were forced too this year.
it wasnt a small batch, many thousands were affected, the issue lasted until 2013 when they switched gpu architectures. AMD supplied the chips, but Apple was responsible for their product as a whole but didnt honor it. Until they were forced too this year.
It would be not out of the realm possibility that there was defective chips. No where does it show that it was a design flaw with die packaging or something else that caused the failures. Whereas it WAS proven in court that it WAS indeed the design flaw of GeForce Go GPUs. Show me where AMD was dragged into court for the design flaw of their GPUs AND lost?
You need proof AMD is not flawless?
Their being sued for hiding the truth about their APU yields from investors
You need proof AMD is not flawless?
Their being sued for hiding the truth about their APU yields from investors
Yes. I am well aware of that. I mean nVidia also has gotten sued related to financial issues/misrepresentation before. But we are not talking about that. What does that have to do with sending out defective chips with design flaws that ultimately screwed the customer? Show me where they got sued with respect to design flaws that affected their entire line of GPUs?
I don't use baby peasant or faild cards
Gtx titan x master race...
Total waste of money which will be outclassed in a few months by something considerably cheaper.
Translation - "I can't afford one so I'm going to slag it off".
I don't use baby peasant or faild cards
Gtx titan x master race...
Total waste of money which will be outclassed in a few months by something considerably cheaper.
Translation - "I can't afford one so I'm going to slag it off".
What have I ever posted on these forums to indicate that I could not afford one? It's a waste of money, my $650 pair of 290X's are 40% faster than a $1,000 Titan X... You're paying a massive cost premium with an absolutely abysmal price/performance return, it's great for professional level benchmarking but as a consumer product it's an idiotic purchase.
I don't use baby peasant or faild cards
Gtx titan x master race...
Total waste of money which will be outclassed in a few months by something considerably cheaper.
Translation - "I can't afford one so I'm going to slag it off".
What have I ever posted on these forums to indicate that I could not afford one? It's a waste of money, my $650 pair of 290X's are 40% faster than a $1,000 Titan X... You're paying a massive cost premium with an absolutely abysmal price/performance return, it's great for professional level benchmarking but as a consumer product it's an idiotic purchase.
Yes, lets ignore the fact that the Titan X is the fastest single GPU card on the planet. Topping out benchmarks across the net. Lets also ignore the fact since it is a single card, you don't have to worry about power, heat or the issues that come with dual card scaling and for the record Crossfire suffers more than SLI does. $1000 is not idiotic, not when people are paying around that price for mobile phones, TV's and other electronic/electrical items.
Don't see why this has to be in System Wars.
But anywho, I'm still using my GTX 650 Ti Boost and it works well. However I may need to upgrade soon, especially if I want to max out more games.
I don't use baby peasant or faild cards
Gtx titan x master race...
Total waste of money which will be outclassed in a few months by something considerably cheaper.
Translation - "I can't afford one so I'm going to slag it off".
What have I ever posted on these forums to indicate that I could not afford one? It's a waste of money, my $650 pair of 290X's are 40% faster than a $1,000 Titan X... You're paying a massive cost premium with an absolutely abysmal price/performance return, it's great for professional level benchmarking but as a consumer product it's an idiotic purchase.
Yes, lets ignore the fact that the Titan X is the fastest single GPU card on the planet. Topping out benchmarks across the net. Lets also ignore the fact since it is a single card, you don't have to worry about power, heat or the issues that come with dual card scaling and for the record Crossfire suffers more than SLI does. $1000 is not idiotic, not when people are paying around that price for mobile phones, TV's and other electronic/electrical items.
It's the fastest GPU on the planet with a price to performance ratio which should place it in the $700 range, not $1,000, no matter how you try to justify this it's overpriced. A 980Ti is no doubt going to release in the next couple months which will be a marginally gimped version of the Titan X and perform nearly identically with a $650'ish+ cost. That's exactly what happened with the 780 and the Titan Z, it produced the 780Ti, the same is going to happen here.
It's the overpriced GPU equivalent of what in gaming would be referred to as a tech demo.
I dunno....$1000 for one GPU that will be replaced by something 6 months down the road and barely does 4K sounds a little asinine.
I bought my GTX 680 when they were $500 and thats about my price limit.
It's a little ridiculous to guess that someone can't afford one. Someone whos all free time goes into games can afford it if he/she isn't spending money on wife, kids, girlfriend, friends, family or whatever.
It doesn't make you richer. It just means you're spedning your extra money in different places.
Besides...I'm sure there are many ppl who can afford it but still don't want to buy a $1000 GPU.
I dunno....$1000 for one GPU that will be replaced by something 6 months down the road and barely does 4K sounds a little asinine.
I bought my GTX 680 when they were $500 and thats about my price limit.
It's a little ridiculous to guess that someone can't afford one. Someone whos all free time goes into games can afford it if he/she isn't spending money on wife, kids, girlfriend, friends, family or whatever.
It doesn't make you richer. It just means you're spedning your extra money in different places.
Besides...I'm sure there are many ppl who can afford it but still don't want to buy a $1000 GPU.
.. Why would any one replace their Titan X 6 months down the road? Why would you replace any of the 9X0 series cards you recently bought 6 months down the road?
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