I would say I'm pretty happy, but not blown away like other years. But we're still not halfway through the year yet, so maybe something big will come up. I'm still expecting Horizon 2 for this holiday! With that said, here is what I've enjoyed so far:
- Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury: played the original 7 years ago, but enjoyed this one more. I love that they sped up the movement, I remember that being of my complaints of the original. Overall, it was just the Mario game I needed, especially after the disappointing Mario Odyssey. This game is pure fun, and I really enjoyed Bowser's Fury as well. I hope that's a taste of things to come, for Mario.
- Persona 5 Strikers: this game surprised me. I was never a fan of Dynasty Warrior type games, but this game is different. It's a collaboration between Atlus and Omega force. It feels like a sequel to Persona 5, like they're revisiting your favorite world and characters again. And the combat was so good, I wonder if Atlus is considering switching to action RPG for their next game (probably not lol).
Those are my 2021 games I've played, but I've also been catching up on the backlog. Started playing No More Heroes, and I love it.. for the most part. Combat is satisfying, especially the one on one encounters. I look forward to completing this game and then playing No More Heroes 2 and hopefully picking up No More Heroes 3 this year. I also played a bunch of Apex Legends for Switch this year, and yes, I enjoyed it. And of course, the usual Call of Duty fun.
As for new titles, I picked up Ys 9 and I look forward to playing it at some point. I picked up an early copy as I think it has a limited release. I'm also looking forward to Nier Replicant, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Resident Evil 8, The World Ends With You 2, Zelda Skyward Sword HD, and I'm sure we're for more announcements coming up soon.
Overall, 2021 is a solid 8/10 for me right now. How about you, SW?
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