I'll take an HD version of Here Comes The Pain.
You make too many threads, and most of them are mindless if not down right idiotic. People are tired of seeing that ugly Noctis avatar in rows on SW board. Therefor you are, at least partly, responsible for the mass exodus from System Wars.
Why do i care about any Trolls opinion? All i can say is don't like my threads, don't visit.Don't like my avi, don't look. I'm not gonna change my avi for any Troll.
Already three threads on what people are playing, including one that you already made.
Are you trying for some sort of competition with me? Always saying you made this thread already? Never seen you post anything contribuiting to OP beyond this. You are making 100 threads in a week, some similiar to my threads also am i going to your thread to point it out?
The STALKER series is fairly old and they looked quite dated even when they first released. There was a time when I said the series sucked. But, something clicked to me and now I like it (mainly CoP).
I'm replaying CoP with the Absolute Nature v4.04 mod but otherwise, vanilla. I have Call of Chernobyl with the Absolute Nature Redux mod. I'm also playing Call of Misery which is the Misery mod installed on top of CoC. The latter makes CoC feel more like a simulation. It's not for everyone because there is often little return for so much effort expended and the AI feels like it's blatantly cheating. But, everyone should know that coming in. That's why it's called Misery.
Overall, I still prefer vanilla CoP gameplay myself.
Trying Mirrors Of Fate HD, fun boss battles but the levels lack action, seems more focused on being a platformer three quarters of the time.
I often play a lot of Treasure games, so Dynamite Headdy, Gun Star Heros, Alien Soldier etc. Not forgetting the Sin and Punishment games. I still haven't finished the 2nd as its so hard. Also playing through Sonic CD.
Currently want to play through the Halo games again... But not sure I want to buy an Xbox for them.
I play World of Warcraft almost every day, and I play Team Fortress 2.
Hard to believe this is now 10 years old.
Played DeadFall Adventures since I got it free GWG this month and surprisingly I enjoyed it and completed it. Geeeez, for a game that scored a freakin GS 3/10 I would have never expected it. I'd say 7/10 maybe better.
Must have been a Xbox Exclusive or sometin.. lol :P
Sadly most games these days that release are a bore fest to me.
Cinematic games can just completely die off in my vision, i skip every dialogue and cutscene the moment i can. So that excludes all the single player games.
Multiplayer games are interesting if the price point is good, and the gameplay allows me for quick matches.
But i rather sit in mmo's, because of chatting and friends i play with. I like to do ecenomics and micromanage auction houses etc, while grinding a bit when i want. or parting up with other people where i can make new friends out of.
So most of the time, i sit at really old games, but also new games. such as ragnarok online, lineage 2, world of warcraft vanilla and legion, black desert online. I shift through them monthly basically.
League of legends, is also fun for a quick match, but it makes me more angry then anything else out there.
I had high hopes for destiny 2, but sadly not much of a interest in it after it launched, battlefield i dropped when it became to console centric, counter strike i quited ages ago when it became this skin fest of garbage.
Price is important for me to buy games, i don't pay upfront i pay when i enjoy content. For example i spended about 300 bucks in black desert online, about 500 bucks in ragnarok online, probably a few grand in total on wow ( transfers mainly and game time and expansion packs ). But i get a insane amount enjoyment out of it.
This is also why in general console gaming, where you pay upfront and have to see if you like it at the end, isn't something for me.
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