I am pretty pleased, and think I'm going very well getting all the greatness out of this gen :)
My first console was wii (notice topic: this gen :lol: ). I played it less than 1 year, then sold it due to lack of games that did interest me. Anyway I got my motion control and casual gaming fix for this gen.
With that money I bought 360. I have had my 360 about 2 years. Getting my core games fix.
And now year ago I bought ps3. Getting all those amazing exclusives like mgs4 and uncharted series.
Now after E3. Microsoft went casual with kinect. Sony still balancing between core and casual. Nintendo switched to core. Plus most of games developers are becoming multiplat like bungie (except sony's and nintendo's first party studios ofcourse).
I can happily sell my 360 (ofcourse I'm gonna play halo reach first and what not), and buy wii again :D
Also I owned DS lite, which I sold (I still got to enjoy alot great games like hotel dusk). And I started to regret solding it, but not anymore since they announced 3DS.
Are you happy "hardware" wise?
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